Chapter 1

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So basically, like my summary said, this is how I thought Neville and the DA's 7th year at Hogwarts would go.

-All rights go to J.K. Rowling


Neville's P.O.V

As soon as Neville entered platform nine-and-three-quarters, he could tell that something was wrong. What he saw was exactly why Gran hadn't wanted him to go to Hogwarts this year. There were just so many Death Eaters. They were everywhere, making sure that students got on the train, making sure that parents didn't and that sort of stuff. Even though the sight of this was a little bit discouraging, Neville knew that he had to go to Hogwarts.

When Neville tried to get on the train, he was stopped by a big, brutal looking Death Eater. "Name, year, blood" was all that the Death Eater said, but Neville knew exactly what he meant and replied accordingly "Neville Longbottom, 7th year and pure-blood." The Death Eater nodded and let him pass as he marked Neville's name of his board.

While walking by the man, Neville realized that Dean would definitely not be at school this year, because he was afterall, a mugle-born. Which meant, assuming that Harry and Ron were on the run, that he and Seamus would be the only ones in their dormitory. Frowning, Neville walked down the aisle, until he found Seamus. Seamus was sitting in a compartment with Luna and Ginny.


Luna's P.O.V

I was already on the train and sitting with Seamus and Ginny. Ginny and I were imagining what Hogwarts was going to be like now that Snape was Headmaster. Seamus had been sitting quietly in the corner. It wasn't really the kind of thing he did, but Dean being on the run had really taken a toll on his usually happy and hyper attitude.

As Neville walked into our compartment, I felt a surge of gratitude for these three people that I call my friends. Most people at Hogwarts think of me only as "Loony Lovegood", but these Gryffindors, they don't. As I was thinking this, Neville sat down next to me and said, "Well? What are we going to do?" I was confused. What are we going to do about what? At our confused expressions, he said "we can't just sit here and let the Death Eaters take over Hogwarts. If we don't fight back it's like admitting defeat. We just can't do that!" the annoyance was evident in his voice as he said this.


Neville's P.O.V

Why don't they get this! Were they actually thinking about giving Hogwarts to Voldemort? Even thinking that name Neville shuddered, but I knew that he would kill us whether we called him You-Know-Who or not.

The train had started moving, but I was not feeling the thrill of happiness that he usually felt when on his way to Hogwarts, instead he was feeling a sort of thrill of foreboding.

Luna and Ginny had started to understand what I was saying because they were nodding and seemed to be thinking. Seamus, on the other hand, was shaking his head and said, "What good do you think this will do? It'll only get us killed! Come on, think! These are Death Eaters and we're a bunch of sixth and seventh year kids!"

"Why are you thinking like this Seamus?! Just because Dean is not here doesn't mean that you have to give up your self! You should fight back even harder knowing that these are the people that made it so Dean could not come to Hogwart this year!" As Neville said this, he saw a spark of defiance in Seamus' eyes and knew that he had won him over. "Well then, what are we going to do?" Seamus asked looking at them all.


Third Person P.O.V

All of them sat in the compartment thinking about what they could do to stop the Death Eaters. They were all so deep in thought that they did not notice Luna's head shoot up, until she said "How about we start up the D.A again. It worked on Umbridge why would it not work on the Death Eaters?"

"Oh my gosh Luna! That's brilliant!" Neville said with a grin on his face. Seamus was also smiling and Ginny was nodding her approval. "Why don't we use those galleons that Hermione used the first time." Ginny said hopefully.

"That's a good idea, but how will we get the galleons? It's been two years. I don't think that most people will still have them at all, let alone at Hogwarts." Seamus stated.

He made a very good point, but Neville had an answer to this problem. "The Room of Requirement gives you anything you want, right?"

"Yeah" they all responded.

"Then we should just ask it for the galleons."

"Brilliant!" Seamus said smiling, "Now, the only thing we have to do is to get the D.A back together and hope that the Death Eaters don't know about The Room of Requirement."

Happy with their plan, the usual buzz of excitement returned to the compartment.

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