Chapter 2

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-All rights go to J.K. Rowling (the best author ever!)


Third Person P.O.V

The rest of the train ride seemed to fly by for Ginny, Seamus, Luna and Neville. When they arrived at Hogwarts, they all picked up their luggage and headed out to the platform. As they stepped on to the platform they noticed the first of many differences that they would notice. Hagrid was nowhere to be seen. In his place, was a short witch. She had small, beady-looking eyes and a cruel smile on her face. The four could tell that she was a Death Eater because she wore the tell-tail black robes. Seeing that Hagrid was gone seemed to make the fact that Voldemort had taken over Hogwarts suddenly much more real.

Feeling rather discouraged, the group headed to the carriages that would take them out of Hogsmeade and on to Hogwarts. When they were around half way to Hogwarts, Ginny let out a soft "Oh" and her eyes grew sad. "What's wrong?" Neville asked her.

"I just realized that the First Years had been told that Hogwarts was a wonderful and happy place and when they get here it's like this! It must be horrid!" Ginny said frowning.

Suddenly Luna piped up and said "We have to stop them! They can't just think that they can come in here and ruin all of the First Years' education!" This was not altogether a surprising thing for her to say, but all of the others in the carriage were staring at her in awe. In their defence, they had a fully legit reason to be staring at her, for, instead of using her sing song voice, she was using a steady and fully down-to-earth voice that none of them had heard before. On that note, the carriage fell quiet for the rest of the ride.


Neville's P.OV

Neville was still in a state of shock from the tone of Luna's voice, as they got to Hogwarts. Just looking at the castle, it appeared exactly the way it had at the end of last term, but he knew that on the inside it would be very different. When Neville got out of the carriage, he quickly patted the Thestral's neck and then ran to catch up to the others.

For Neville, to enter the Great Hall was like going some place that you had been before, except now there was something different about it, but you couldn't quite put your finger on what was different.

In the end, it was Seamus that broke the palpable silence that stretched between them. "It's like we're inside Hogwarts, but it's not really Hogwarts anymore. Does that make any sense?"

"Yeah" Ginny said "it makes sense, in a way that should definitely not make any sense whatsoever." Neville nodded and so did Luna.

Suddenly they heard a bark-like yell from behind them "What are you worthless kids waiting for! Get yourselves to your tables or I'll do it for you!" They turned around and saw the man that had yelled at them. He was a short man, with small beady eyes and a distinct resemblance to the woman who met the First Years at the platform. If Neville had to guess, he would say that they were sister and brother. "Well what are you waiting for?! I said MOVE!" he yelled at them and they headed off to their tables.

"Well" Seamus said as they sat down at the Gryffindor table "that was friendly." Neville chuckled at this.

About ten minutes after Ginny, Seamus and Neville sat down at the Gryffindor table, the First Years came in, lead by the witch whose brother had yelled at them. Neville was sure that the First Years looked much more frightened than they usually did, though it wasn't surprising seeing as the Hogwarts that they were being shown was not the most welcoming place.

After the sorting, which went as it had all of the previous years, Neville finally looked at the hall as a whole. Doing this, he noticed that the Slytherin table was as full as it usually was. Next he looked at the Ravenclaw table, which was missing about ¼ of its students. After that, he glanced at the Hufflepuff table, which was about ½ its usual size. Then there was the Gryffindor table, his table. It was missing over ⅔ of the usual students. It was a mirror of how many muggle-borns each house had had in the past. When Neville pointed this out to Ginny and Seamus and they both agreed.

Once all of the First Years had been sorted, Snape got up to the front. "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts." Every year Dumbledore had said the same thing, but he had sounded happy, whereas Snape sounded bored and a little bit annoyed. "This year we have two new staff members, Alecto and Amycus Carrow." His words made Neville look at the teachers and he saw that most had stayed, though he was not sure if it was at their free will because some of them did not look very happy about being at Hogwarts. "Ms.Carrow will be taking the job of teaching Muggle Studies. Mr.Carrow will be taking the job of teaching Dark Arts." At this, a buzz of whispers traversed the Hall.

Seamus seemed surprised. He leaned closer to Neville and whispered "Dark Arts! What's that supposed to mean?!?"

"SILENCE!" Snape roared and the whole Hall fell silent. "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted" he glared around the hall "Mr.Carrow will be taking the job of teaching Dark Arts. The Carrows will also be in charge of discipline. If you break the rules, they will chose your punishment. Your punishment will be made according to your crime. Off to bed now! Curfew starts at 9 o'clock sharp." with that he went back to his seat.

Over the sound of scraping benches, Neville said to Ginny and Seamus "Did you notice that he never actually told us what the rules are this year?" after he said this he saw Ginny's hands clench into fists and Seamus glare up at Snape and the Carrows.

Suddenly Ginny's head flew up "I just realized something. There aren't any prefects this year! No one will help the First Years!"

"Why don't we?" Seamus asked looking at her.

"Of course!" Ginny said, then yelled "First Years over here!" after a bit of shuffling, Ginny had all of the First Years in one line. "Okay everyone! Follow me!"


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