Chapter 3

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The pic at the top is how I imagined Jack. 

-All rights go to J.K. Rowling


Neville's P.O.V.

After returning to the common room, Neville went upstairs and fell asleep right away. The next morning he woke up early, and with nothing else to do, he went down to the common room. Other than himself, there was only a Sixth Year girl. Neville walked over to her and sat down next to her. She had black hair that went down to her shoulders, rather pale skin and vivid green eyes. "Hi! I'm Jack Snow. What's your name?" as she asked this, Neville noticed that she had a very fait American accent.

"I'm Neville Longbottom." he replied. Then he could not help but ask, "Are you from America?" Jack nodded and said "Yeah. My my mom and I moved here when I was ten. We live in London."

"That's cool" Neville said "do you want to head down to breakfast?"

"Sure!" she replied standing up. With that, the two of them headed down to breakfast. They were about halfway to the Great Hall when Jack suddenly exclaimed "Aren't you Harry Potter's best friend?"

"Yeah" Neville said shrugging.

"It was so cool how you helped him break into the Ministry of Magic!" There were many things that Neville had expected her to say, and this was most definitely not one of them. What he had really expected was for her to ask where Harry was. "Thanks, but it wasn't only me. Ginny, Luna, Ron and Hermione help to. We could not have done it without them."

By then Neville and Jack were at the Great Hall, so they went in. There were not many people at breakfast, but Luna was sitting at the Ravenclaw table. When she saw them she came over. "I see that you've met Jacquie, Neville." Neville wondered to himself who Jacquie was.

"It's Jack not Jacquie, now." Jack said, sighing.

"But Jacquie is your real name not Jack, so, I will call you Jacquie. I still don't see why you changed it so suddenly in the first place." Luna said in the same steady voice that she had used in the carriage.

"Okay" Jack gave in "but you are not allowed to start calling me Jacquie" she said glaring at Neville. He raised his hands up in a sign on surrender. After a pause, Neville said "Do you want to sit with us Luna?" Luna smiled at him gratefully and sat down next to Jack.


Luna P.O.V

I could not believe that Neville actually asked me to sit with him. I mean I know that they are my friends, but it was Neville. Feeling strangely light and happy, I sat down next to Jacquie. I don't see why she hates her name so much, I mean, it's a beautiful name.

About ten minutes after I sat down with Neville and Jacquie, Seamus and Ginny walked over to us. My heart yet again felt lighter, because neither of them questioned that I was sitting with them. "Hey Luna!" Ginny said.


Third Person P.O.V.

"Who are you?" Asked Seamus staring at Jack.

"I'm Jack Snow." She looked at Luna pointedly as she said this, then asked Seamus "Who are you?"

"Seamus Finnigan, at your service" Seamus said with a playful grin. Jack just shook her head and said "Only if you're short and have a beard."

"What?" Seamus asked looking thoroughly lost.

"Nothing." Jack said sighing, but she still had a smile on her face. The five spent the rest of breakfast just talking and joking.


Luna P.O.V

About ten minutes before classes started, Professor Snape waved his wand and timetables appeared in front of everyone. My classes were

1st- Charms

2nd-Muggle Studies


3rd-Potions (theory)



5th-Ancient Runes

6th-Potions (practical)

7th-Dark Arts

it looked like an okay schedule except the afternoon did not look like it would be very fun with Potions and Dark Arts. The only thing that I was looking forward to was that this year, the Sixth Year Gryffindors were having classes with the Sixth Year Ravenclaws, so I would be with Jacquie and Ginny.


Third Person P.O.V.

Luna, Ginny and Jack all headed to their first class, Charms. When they got there, they all took seats in the middle of the classroom. What they were working on today, was making things disappear and reappear. The lesson went very smoothly, and in what seemed like no time, the three friends were headed off to a class that none of them were looking forward to at all, Muggle Studies.

When they got to Muggle Studies, Alecto Carrow was already waiting at the front of the class. She spent the whole class lecturing them on how muggles were worthless scum. About halfway through the period, she started talking about muggle-borns. As she was saying that all muggle-borns had stolen magic from someone else, Jack's hands slowly clenched into fists. When she said that any muggle-born should be scorned and were not worthy of respect, she finally pushed Jack over the line. Jack jumped up out of her seat, her blue eyes cold as ice and blazing with fire. "I have a question Ms.Carrow." she said. Looking at her like this was actually rather scary. Just the way that her eyes seemed to be full of fire and the expression full of hatred on her face.

"Do you, now?" Aleco said, her voice also low and dangerous "I would be delighted it you were to share you question with the class" she said raising one eyebrow and glaring at Jack.


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