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Diane's POV
Ugh, no internet, no Mitch, no nothing, I'm bored. My phone has been off Internet for way to long. "Ian, lets try to find everyone quick" He nods and keeps walking. I look over into a snow biome and point so Ian starts to walk that way. "You know, we should look for the others now" I hears someone say. He sounds an awful lot like Mitch. I look up to see everyone, sitting in the snow. But, isn't the snow freezing?

I stand up and slowly walk towards them. Mitch walks to me and hugs me as Olivia turns away and crosses her arms. I hear a slight chuckle which makes me happy

Adam's POV

Well, I guess since that everyone is here, we can get back to the Team Crafted house. "Guys, lets head back" I suggest. Quentin looks at me with a questioning look, so does everyone else."Um, which way?" I hear Jerome asks. I never really thought about that. Olivia points about south east. We all give her a questioning look. "J-Just go that way" she finally says. I run that way to get out of this freezing cold biome. Everyone tries to catch up with but I started first. MWAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA!

I admit, I can be a bit of a kid my its what keeps everyone running


Hey guys, I'm sorry this one is short. I will try the most to make the next chapter longer, maybe even 700 words... Though i haven't written a chapter that long. Anyway, Bye!!


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