Angel's POV
I try to catch up to Adam but it's not fair. He started first AND he's way faster then the rest of us. Okay, me and Olivia were kind of teaming up on him to get to the house first but he got there first, us second, Ian third, Mitch fourth and so on. I open the huge front door/gate to reveal that everything is the same as it was before we all got teleported or something. Phew. My stuff better not be gone or else... I WILL KILL ANYONE WHOEVER GETS IN MY WAY!! Especially if my laptop's missing/
I run over to my room... aka Olivia's room to check all of my stuff. Eeeeeesh, I even see notes on her desk about math, she can be pretty crazy sometimes but that's what makes her her. Ian's room was the second room on the right to I checked to see what he was doing. After a while, I got bored so I headed down stairs to watch some television.
Ian's POV
I look onto my computer and search up some news. At first, I found some really boring news like missing bag and that's when I found an article about Herobrine.
May 27 2015, (that date sound close?)
An airplane crash landed between an extreme hills and a snow biome. Only few passengers have survived but many have had trouble finding shelter to stay in. Days later, the plane caught on fire but no sign of who could've done such a horrible thing. As the iron melted away, I strange figure was spotted near a tree holding a blaze rod. It could be anyone but we're certain that this is the work of Herobrine. He could've escaped again from a really strong prison and is counting on taking over Minecraftia. Be cautious of all your surroundings.
Oh no, Herobrine is most likely the one that teleported and separated us. For splitting us, we have the right to kill him. After reading the whole paragraph, I saw another article. I decided to read it because it wasn't night yet and I couldn't see if there were any spies yet.
May 28 2014,
A mysterious person has been roaming around Minecraftia, lost all her friends and family and lived in a small village. It is heard that since she was six years old, she's been training to be a sorcerer though not born a sorcerer. No one has discovered her name yet but she has helped to defeat Herobrine but by defeat, I mean imprison. She has been going from villages and trying to find her friends but, no sign of her yet. When not using magic, she looks to be using a bow and quiver most of the time. No one knows what happened to her either but we're she's gone. Around May 28 2015, we will be looking for the Team Crafted house, asking for help.
I keep mumbling to myself as I read on. Wait, May 28 2015? That's tomorrow. I should tell the guys but appearently they're all asleep. I wonder what they'll ask us...

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