~ Chapter 2 ~

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~ So many bright lights, they cast a shadow, but can I speak? Well is it hard understanding I'm incomplete? A life that's so demanding, I get so weak. A love that's so demanding, I can't speak (Famous Last Words)

Gerard's POV

I don't know why, but I turn the TV on.

- Al-Qaeda members haven't denied their guilt and keep sending threatening messages to the U.S. The Governm-

- Oh, shut up -

Let's try another channel:

- It has been reported that after both of the Twin Towers had already been hit, more fighters were scrambled from in Virginia at 9:30 a.m, and after, at 10:20 a.m., Vice Presiden-

- No thanks -

Just another one about this fucked up government and I'm going to throw up.

- The total number of victims grows higher and higher as an astonishing and increasing number of firemen and police officers gather around the World Trade Center to try to find as more undiscovered survivors as possible. But in the meantime also emergency workers have died: until now, the New York City Fire Department has lost 336 firefighters, and the NWPD 20 officers. Our live reporter, who's in the zone right now, is going to provide us some more details and facts about this recent tragedy but yet of insurmountable proportions...

And this is when I completely zone out. This is what people always forgets. Everybody is angry, sad, confused... They need to find the ones who did this, so they accidentally forget about the ones who will never know. All they want is war, death, destruction. That's why I blame the government.

I wish I could do something, or maybe I could have done, but I'm no politician and absolutely not a hero: I'm just a motherfucking normal person who got a motherfucking degree in motherfucking ARTS! How am I supposed to save lives when I'm so useless? And how are powerful people supposed not to do it?

- Gerard -

I turn to my right to see Mikey handing me some coffee and a couple of homemade sandwiches.

- Gerard, you haven't eaten or spoken to another person besides yourself or the people from the TV news in three days... -

- Mmmh -

In fact, groans and confused mumblings have become my first language since the attacks.

- And, judging by how awful you look... -Mikey leaves the coffee and the sandwiches on my desk and checks me out- You also haven't slept, am I right? -

I let go a suffering sigh.

- Oh look who's sighing now! You haven't left your room in three days, haven't raised a finger to help me or even yourself! Are you aware that this won't change anything? This world will still be ugly, people will still be wrong about mostly everything and those poor victims will still be dead and probably continue their existence more peacefully than you if you don't take those bad vibes out of your life! -

I can't help but stare at him in slight surprise mixed with fear: Mikey has never talked too much, but he has this ability to know what's going on in other people's minds; what scares me is that he just said these words with bitterness in his voice, and I've never seen him like this. I guess this tragedy has touched even the most peaceful souls.

- You won't talk to me? Okay, fine. But I want you to know that you can't waste your life regretting doing something that YOU DIDN'T DO! You can't spend your whole day watching that "Falling Man" on the TV! -he points at the television, that is showing some pictures of the aftermath, including the Falling Man- All this complaining about the actual society and American Idiots and then? What? Would you end up like them? Great! I's your life!!-

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