Chapter 3

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We never got that far, this helps me to think all through the night. Bright lights that won't kill me now, or tell me how, just you and I, your starless eyes remain. (It's Not A Fashion Statement, It's A Fucking Deathwish )

Gerard's POV

I broke my promise.

I promised my family that I would've taken back the control of my life, but here I am, sitting in a lonely bar, drinking as I've never had before.

I'm so drunk I don't even know where I am exactly, I don't know anybody in here, nor what time is it or how I got here. I'm a mess and the guilt trip is growing inside me, but I can't help it.

No, maybe I can do something...

- Hey man. Want another shot? - the poor bar man looks quite worried, but I'm definitely not the right person to talk about other people's feelings when I can barely control mine.

- Nah, I'm done here. Thank you anyway -

I leave him an extra tip and leave that unknown place, but as soon as I walk out my legs start trembling and, yeah, I throw up, making a couple that's walking by glare at me.

I don't even wanna know what they saw: it wasn't me, at all; it wasn't the "artsy Gerard", the "normal Gerard", the "anything Gerard" I used to be. I feel like shit, and that's probably what I've become.

I don't know if it's the alcohol (or the drugs I may, and only may, have done before drinking) or me, but all the things people have said about me, the bad things, and what I bet my ass they have thought about me at some point, they all hit me at once, punching my stomach, making my head feel dizzy, making my spine shiver and my whole body tremble.

I feel like when the Towers came down, but less as confused.

I have now found the strength to be as fragile as I want.

There's a spot near the woods where Mikey and me used to play when we were kids: it was the only place, besides from our house, where we were safe, no robbers, no drug dealers, no people in general, so we would play all day, away from harms and bullies, keeping alive the dreams in our minds, full of spaceships and superheroes.

That's why I'm here now. Those are the last good times I can remember; I'm not even joking. I'd pay any price to have that life back again, not only for me, but also for Mikey.

Oh, Mikey, I'm so, so sorry...

I turn away from my secret place and keep walking.

That spot isn't only close to the bar, but it also is to a secondary highway; and right there comes a car.

Frank's POV

- WHOOO LET THE DOOOGS OOOUT!!! - yes, I may or may not be singing that goddamn song at the top of my lungs while I'm driving. I don't even know why, it's just so stupid and catchy, plus I love do-

- WHAT THE HECK?! - a man just appeared in the middle of the road, and all I can do is scream a bit and press the brake. The tires make a terrible noise, but fortunately I got to stop the car right in front of the man.

- What the hell what the hell what the - I say as I open the car door to see how's he doing.

He is down on his knees, with his arms opened:

- Run me over - he whispers.

- W-what? Why?! I'm not gonna do that! -

- Please... -

- No way! (A/N No pun intended. Well actually yes) You can't just appear from nowhere begging to be killed, you're better than that! -

I don't know if these were the right words to say, 'cause he's crying...

- Aaah, goddammit - I rub my face with both my hands - Come here, I'll help you -

I take him to the car and then pull over the closest exit.

- Hey, are you okay? Mmm, of course not... Uuh, do you want me to take you to the hospital or...? -

- NO! -

- Aaalrighty then! - the guy looks pretty desperate, I wish I could do something for him; not just something, I really want to help him. - Here. Want a tissue? -

He stares at me for a long time before taking it. It's really dark, but I bet his eyes are hazel and his hair jet black. Cute, but not as cute as me.

- Well then, I'm gonna take you home. Where's your place? -

- Uuuh? - he mumbles

- Daaamn, you must be so fricking drunk... -

At least wasn't today (I'd call that a sort of miracle); he'd be dead and I would've ran away not even noticing. I put my hand in the pocket of his leather jacket and grab his ID.

- Pff, this isn't that far -

He doesn't reply, and I'm afraid it's because he's losing consciousness, so I've gotta drive as fast as I can and keep this sort of conversation going:

- Y'know, I was headed to this cool college party... Do you know Rutgers University? Well, there's the party! Aah, they must be having sooo much fun right now, without me... Fuckers... -

Gerard's POV

I don't know what this guy is saying, I'm too overwhelmed by the fact that he let me live. I should be grateful, but there was a reason why I decided to do that. I hate him and everything else in this world.

Now he's going to take me home, my family will be desperate and I'll feel even worse. Unbelievable: of all the inhabitants of New Jersey, I casually met the only one who wouldn't kill me. Great, let's keep this hell of a life going; thank you, short dude.

Frank's POV

- Here we are - I knock on the door, hoping there's somebody in.

- Who is it? - says a guy from the inside.

- Uh, I... I'm sorry, I know it's late but... I found this guy on the road and... -

- OH MY GOD WHERE IS HE?!?! - the guy opens the door and nearly knocks me out.

- OUCH! Th-there... In the car... Gaaaahh! -

- Gerard? GERARD! Oh dear lord you're safe! -

Are they a couple?Shit! I admit I hoped the drunk dude was gay, but I didn't expect this... Too bad.

- Hey, hey Mikey... I'm fine -


- Uh, sorry, I don't want to interrupt you but... He might be about to pass out... -

- Oh, right. Come in, please -

Poor Mikey guy, he's nice.

Mikey's POV

I help Gerard get in his bed and leave him some water on his bedside table, then go back downstairs so that the guy who brought him home can tell me what happened.

- Thank you so much, again -

- Hey, you don't have to worry! Well, actually yes... But, let me explain... -

After he has finished telling what I was afraid to hear, I can't help but shake a bit.

- I'm sorry for all this stuff but, you know, my brother has been going through a lot lately and... -

- Oh, he's your brother? -

He looks surprised, kind of?

- Yeah. I'm Michael Way, by the, uhm, way -

- I'm Frank, Frank Iero. And he's Gerard, I guess. I'm sorry for him -

- Frank Iero? -I know that name - Haven't we met each other before? -

A/N Sorry I haven't updated the story for a long time but school is killing me ugh. Have a nice day.

LIGHTS. ~ frerard ~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ