Requested: Anonymous
Imagine: Hey how's it going :) are you still doing imagines and if so can I have one in which two-bit is nervous to talk to you but and embarrasses himself in the process Have a good day 🌴🌙✌🏻️
''Two-Bit's staring at you, quickly give him a sexy look or something!'' Your friend whispers.
You look over at him and give him a look. He looks back and gives you a little smirk. You start feelings really tingly inside. You turn around and start to talk with your friends.
''Come on bro! Go talk to her! She's honestly one of the most easiest girls to talk too'' Sodapop says.
Two-Bit denies and starts leaving, but they pick him right up and drag him back. They start shoving him towards you.
''Guys stop! I'm going to make a fool outta myself!'' Two-bit shouts.
''Fooling around is all your about! Now go be yourself!'' Sodapop shouts while shoving him.
They shove Two-Bit right into you. As for, shoving you into the lockers. You get hit with a big 'Oof' You turn around and Two-Bit was apologizing, you told him it was fine.
''Were just going to... Um, leave...'' Your friends say while leaving.
You turn forward and stare into Two-Bits eyes. He puts his hand on the lockers and starts talking to you. Then he starts walking with you down the hallway, you two started bonding, until someone came up, and pants him. He turns around. You look down at his Mickey Mouse trousers. You start to giggle.
''DUDE! WHAT THE HELL?!'' Two-Bit screams at the boy who was running off with his friends, laughing.
Two-Bit pulls his pants up and stares at you. You could see how red his face was. He started to leave.
''Where are you going Two-Bit?'' You ask.
''Well... I've made a complete fool of myself, you probably think I'm some kind of weirdo nerd...'' Two-Bit says.
You walk up to him and kiss him on the cheek. Two-Bit starts turning into a red tomato. You smile and hug him.
''What you did was awesome, I really like sense of humor in guys'' You whisper in his ear.
''Thanks I like you too Y/N'' Two-Bit whispers back.