The bell rang and every student in the school bolted out the door, cheering that school was over. You smiled as your crush winked at you and left the room, you blushed and started to pack up your bag. Your friend suddenly comes up to you and rubs your head, messing up your hair. You give them the death glare but than continue with laughter, which you two shared.
''I'll see you later Lily.'' She winks.
''You too Ponyboy.'' She snaps at him.
Ponyboy smiles and she leaves the room. Ponyboy throws his backpack onto his back and you do the same. You stand up next to Ponyboy and he puts his arm around you.
''You know, it's pretty awesome having a twin sis.'' Ponyboy smirks.
''But I'm the cuter twin, right?'' He lifts an eyebrow.
You smile and playfully shove him, and he lets go. You two exit the school and started your way home. You two talked about your day at school, how your crush winked at you, and how Cherry actually talked to Ponyboy. You two were having an amazing time, but than you heard the sound of an engine, you two turned around and your smiles faded, it was the socs. You feel Ponyboy grab your wrist, you turn towards him and he started to speed up.
''Come on Lily, we have to go, the socs are watching us.'' Ponyboy mumbles beneath his breath.
You follow him and as you got close to your neighborhood, you suddenly hear the bushes start to ruffle. You turn your head and you see a soc jump out from the bush and attacks you to the ground. You yiped in pain as you hit the ground, you got cut on the elbow from the sidewalk. The soc that attacked you climbs on to you and pins you down, he stuffs a rag into your mouth so you couldn't scream.
''Lillian!'' Ponyboy exclaims, diving at the soc who was on top of you.
Ponyboy attacks the soc, unfortunately the soc won and now he was attacking Ponyboy. You climbed to your feet, soon falling back down, you hurt really bad.
''Hey! Get off Lily and Pony!'' You hear your savers voice.
You turn your head, seeing that it was Dallas. He was always there when you needed him the most, it's like he knew when you were in pain. The socs fleed away and he helped you two up. You were cut up and bruised, and so was Ponyboy.
''You need some medical care?'' Dallas asks.
''Kind of.'' Ponyboy replies.
''That'd be nice.'' You add on.
Dallas nods his head and tells you and Ponyboy to get into his car, and you follow his command. He than takes you to his house and he starts to patch you both up. As he helped you out, you all were chatting and having a good time. You didn't even notice that it was nighttime, but than remembered that you had a curfew. And if you broke it, Darry would break you. You look at his clock and your eyes go wide, it was way past your curfew.
''Shoot Pony! We've gotta go!'' You say, grabbing his hand.
You thank Dallas one last time and burst out the door. You two felt better and started to run back to your house. When you arrived, you opened the door and Darry was there with a face expression that was not amused.
''Darry, we can explain.'' Ponyboy says, shutting the door behind him.
''I don't want to hear it Pony, you two are way past curfew.'' Darry shakes his head.
''It's because-''
''Lily! I'm disappointed in both of you! I can't believe that you skipped it!'' Darry was raising his voice.
Sodapop stood up and started to get involved with the conversation.
''Darry, make them explain, maybe they have a good explanation.'' Sodapop says.
''No! You two are such a disappointment to the family! You two should know better!'' Darry screamed.
Your eyes were filling with tears, you couldn't believe that he was screaming at you and Ponyboy. He's never done that before. You look at Ponyboy who had tears in his eyes as well. He shakes his head and opens the door.
''Lily, Pony, where are you two going?'' Sodapop asks, reaching out his hand.
''Anywhere but here.'' Ponyboy sighs.
You and Ponyboy bolt out the door, your hand was connected with his hand, and you two started to run down the street. You could hear Sodapop calling your names, but you didn't want to turn back. You couldn't believe that Darry yelled at you, it was hard for you. When you were halfway down, you looked back, breathing hard, you ran away from home. And now you and Ponyboy had to travel along, never returning until you felt like it.