chapter one

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"Why did Marco get mad whenever I thought and talked about Oskar?" Star thought to herself. "Whenever I'd mention him, he'd just roll his eyes or look the other way." Star walked up stairs and saw Marco sitting on the black leather couch
, playing video games. "I'm going to bed." she told him. "Goodnight." he told her. "Goodnight." she said back. Star walked into the bathroom, took a quick shower then went to bed. Star always stole Marco's "I kissed a ninja" shirt as a pajama shirt. She hopped into her bed and instantly fell asleep. Suddenly it was night again. Star was laying in the empty streets of New York City. All the shops and restaurants where lit up, but not a person to be found. Except Marco. Marco was sitting down on a bench, right on the side walk Star woke up on. "Marco!" she shouted happily, as she laid her hand on his shoulder. Suddenly, Marco grabbed Stars wrist with the tightest grip possible, and threw it back at her. "Don't touch me." he told her sternly. "Oh, sorry." Star said, shyly. "Well we better get going." Star said, "I don't know where we are." "Don't talk to me! Just shut up! You're such a pain! I hate you. Get away from me and get out of my life. " Marco yelled. Suddenly, he pushed her right on to the asphalt. He turned his back toward her, and walked away. Star's eyes filled with tears. Fast. She couldn't even say anything. She just sat right where he pushed her and cried. Star cried and cried and cried. She turned around. A a large truck's headlights were shining right in her face. And the truck was moving. Star woke up. Laying on the floor right next to her bed. "Star!" Marco yelled. Marco hopped out of bed and walked towards Star. Star was still crying and when she saw Marco walking towards her she backed away. "Star what's the matter?" he said warmly opening his arms, to give her a hug. Star ran into his arms and they hugged each other. "Marco, you don't hate me right?" she asked. "Of course not! I would never! Whatever I said in your dream I would never say to you in real life. I would never hurt you, Star." he told her. "Thanks, Marco." Star said. "You're welcome. It's 3:30 AM we better get back to bed." Marco reminded her. "Okay." Star said, letting go of him. Star and Marco each went back into their beds and Marco turned off the light. After 5 minutes of just laying there, pondering, Star asked Marco something. "Marco?" "Yeah, Star?" "C-can you sleep next to me? I'm just scared of having another nightmare."  Marco turned red instantly. "She wanted me to sleep with her? And a dream of me hating her is a nightmare to her?" he thought to himself. Marco was flattered. "Sure, Star." he said. He got up and crawled in next to her.

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