chapter two

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Star sat up and pulled off her sleep mask. Marco was still next to her on his phone. "I'm going to hop in the shower." he told her. "Alright." Star said. That was awkward. She drug herself out of bed and got dressed. She sat at her vanity and put on all of her makeup. Then she put on her headband, the usual, devil horn one. But today it didn't seem right. "Hmm.." Star thought. Using her magic wand, she changed it into a cactus headband. "Better." she whispered to herself. She skipped down stairs and ate some breakfast. Marco came downstairs and grabbed his backpack off the counter. "Let's go, Starrr." he told her with a smirk. "Um okay." Star whispered to herself. 
The two came home from school like any other day, Star promised Marco she'd study for twenty minutes for the next quiz. He didn't want her to fail. After she did that, he promised her he would make nachos. Thank God it was Friday. The two couldn't wait for an amazing weekend with each other.

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