chapter four

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Star and Marco had fell asleep on each other after coming in from "Marco's Happy Place". Mrs. Diaz let them both sleep in super late because she thought they were too cute. "Mom! Why'd you let me sleep in so late!" Marco yelled. "Aww you were too cute!" Mrs. Diaz said. "I demand royal blooded Mewnian grandkids!" Mr. Diaz yelled. "UGHHH." Marco yelled as he walked upstairs. Star was in her room talking to Flying Princess Pony Head on her mirror. Marco overheard Pony Head say "B fly! Earth turd kissed you!?" Marco popped his head into Star's room "Hey, Star can I talk to you?" "Yeah." Star skipped out the door. "Earth turd! You kissed-" Marco shut the door to cut her off. "Why are you telling Pony Head I kissed you?!" He asked. "Because." She said with a smile. "Do you want her to make fun of me?!" "Oops. Better tell her I gotta go hehe." Star walked back into her room. "Pony head, I gotta go!" "But what about Earth tur-" Star hung up and cut her off. "Sorry, Marco." "No it's okay." Marco put his hand on her shoulder and smiled.
"Hey, Star, wanna go to the shack (Marco's Happy Place) and eat nachos?" Marco asked. "Yeah!" Star said excitedly. They got inside and both sat on the ground and started to eat. "Marco?" "Yeah, Star?" Marco replied. "Was that real?" She asked curiously. "Was what real?" He looked at her. "The kiss. The 'I love you'." "She doesn't love me back." Marco's head filled with that idea. Marco stood on his knees. This was hard. But he had to, regardless of rejection. Marco Ubaldo Diaz was confessing his love for a girl who wasn't Jackie. But he didn't love Jackie. He had only thought he did. His true love was his best friend. "Star Butterfly, I am in love with you. I only kissed you because I love you and I know you love someone else. I guess I can't stop it. I'm really sorry, Star." He started to get up and crawl out of the shack and walk back to the house. Star, still in the shack, began to cry. This was so great. Star loved Marco more than he knows, but she does a good job of hiding her feelings, Oskar Greason meant nothing to her. She sat in there for a while, finally, she ran out of the shack "Marco!" She yelled she saw him crying on the porch step. Marco looked up his teary eyes stared at her running, not knowing what to think he stood up and when Star reached him, she kissed him. Her legs around his waist, her hands in his hair, and his hands on her back. Marco walked inside, still kissing her all the way up to his room.  They let go. "I love you, Safe Kid." She said quietly. "Quiet, Princess." He said looking into her eyes. They kissed again.
{the end♡}

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2015 ⏰

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