Chapter 3

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Sabrina's POV~

The next morning I wake up to the sun beaming through my huge window. I sit up and stretch in my queen sized bed. My room is really big and well with a bit of work it will be really nice. I figured it was just because no one has lived here for a while. I roll over and pick up my phone and unplug it from the charger. It's 9:15 am. I better go do the barn chores. I get out of my insanely comfortable bed and walk over to my closet. I grab some sweatpants and my Detroit Tigers tshirt. I slip on some socks and walk into my bathroom. I brush my teeth and decide to throw my hair up in a messy bun. I don't bother putting any makeup on since I'm not going anywhere. I go back into my room and grab my phone and my boots out of my closet. I walk out of my room and head downstairs.

I grab a banana and walk out the back door and walk to our barn. I open the big sliding door and walk to our feed room. I take each horses bucket and give them their grain and supplements and stuff, soak whatever has to be soaked, ya know the normal morning feed routine. I put each bucket in the right horses stalls and grab all their water buckets. I scrub all five buckets and fill them with fresh water. I put them in their stalls and walked to the hay loft ladder. I climb up and grab one bale of hay and throw it off the edge into the aisle. I go down the ladder and pull out my pocket knife to cut the bailing twine loose. The bale gets divided for all five horses.

I let them eat and explore the barn a little bit. The barn is huge and really clean. They definitely take care of things around here. I find the radio and turn on 99.5 the country music station and jam out to "this is how we roll" by Florida Georgia Line. Once all the horses are finished eating I turn them all out into their paddocks. Each paddock has thick green grass, trees, and one round bale. I sit on the clean white fence and call Lux. He comes up to me and I hold his head and talk to him for a while. I love having him. He always lets me talk to him and I never have to worry about him judging me. After talking to him for a while I give him a quick hug theme tell him to go play and he does as he was told.

As I head back into the barn, I grab a pitchfork and a wheelbarrow and muck out my stalls. When I'm finished, I dump the wheelbarrow and put it a away along with the pitchfork. I go to the feed room and get five apples. I use my pocket knife to cut them up into chunks and put one apple in each horses feed bucket.

Smelling like horse poop, I decide to go in and take a shower. As I walk inside, my mom is sitting at the kitchen table.

Sabrina: "Hey mom!"
Mom: "Hi Brina Boo!"
Sabrina: "Do you ALWAYS have to call me that?!"
Mom: "Yes ma'am I do."
Sabrina: "ugh. But anyway what's on the agenda today?"
Mom: "well I thought since we are way north from where we normally are, that we might do some driving around."
Sabrina: "okay that sounds fun! Maybe we could go into town and have lunch."
Mom: "sounds good to me! But first take a shower you stink"
Sabrina: "wow thanks mom. But I was just heading up to do that so I'll be down in a bit."
Mom: "ok I'll text you when we are leaving."
Sabrina: "ok I'll be ready"

I run upstairs and into the bathroom and turn on the shower. As I wait for the water to heat up I turn on my music and jam out in the shower. As soon as I get out I get dressed in clean underwear, a green tee shirt from hollister, and a pair of light wash skinny jeans. I put on deodorant and a spray of my perfume. I blow dry my long brown hair and leave it down and do it's own thing. I apply some concealer and mascara to make my bright blue eyes pop. I grab my phone and my black converse and put them on my feet. I walk downstairs and my mom is on her phone. "I was just about to text you," my mom says. "Well then, let's go!" I say as I grab the keys and throw them to my mom. She laughs and gets in the drivers seat and we drive into town. We eat lunch at panera bread and I beg to get starbucks when we are done. Of course she gives in to my begging and she gives me ten dollars to get us drinks. I walk into starbucks and order. "One grande caramel frappuchino and one grande mocha frappuchino," I tell the girl at the register. "Can I get a name for those?" "Brina." I pay for the drinks then sit at a table waiting for them to be made. I scroll through twitter and tweet a picture of the inside of starbucks:

@sabrinaxmatrix: loml 😍 jk lux is the loml but starbucks is pretty great too

"Caramel frapp and mocha frapp for Brina." I walk up to the table where my drinks were. I grab them and some straws and turn around and suddenly there's a person standing there. Before I know it my caramel frapp is no longer in my hand but is now on the ground. The lady that ran into me just gave me a glare and said, "Watch where your going." She scoffed, grabbed her drink and left the building. I bend over and start to clean up my drink when I hear a pair of footsteps approach me and stop. "You need some help down there?" I look up and a pair of piercing blue eyes met mine. " it's ok I've got it...but thanks.." I reply, not wanting to be in the way. "It's alright I'm gonna help anyway. So how'd this happen?" The attractive boy says. "Oh just me being my clumsy self," I lie, not wanting to look like an idiot. "You shure? Cause if that was the case you would probably have coffee all over yourself right now hahahha," he says while laughing. "But seriously what happened?" He asks again. I just decide to tell him. "Well some cranky rude bitch just ran into me then told me to watch where I'm going and walked away like whoah what the hell bitch your the one who ran into me." "Salty hahahha," the boy says. "I'm not the salty one here the lady that ran into me is the salty one," I say defending myself. "Definitely," he laughs. He picks up the cup and looks at it. "So you are....Brina?" He asks. "Well technically Sabrina but people call me Brina for short. Brina Matrix," I answer. "Oh cool, I'm Hayes. Hayes Grier." "Ok Hayes hahaha, Thank you so much for helping me clean this up. You didn't have to," I tell Hayes. "My pleasure, wait here," he instructs me. "Oh..Kay?" I reply, honestly confused. Hayes walks over to the register and orders his drinks. He comes back over to me and he tells me a bit about himself. "Oh I am from North Carolina, I ride dirt bikes and play football and lacrosse and stuff. I have 2 older brothers and one younger stepsister. I'm here visiting some family friends for the week. How about you? I'd like to hear your story," Hayes explains. "Well, I am from Oakland, Michigan but we had a break in in our barn so we are staying up here in Oscoda with my grandparents. I have one younger sister and our family had 6 horses but only one is personally mine. His name is Lux. But yeah I ride horses and compete with them. I ride four wheelers and stuff for fun. I hunt, fish, and trapshoot. My mom is a full time working cop and my dad is a part time auto repair worker. Otherwise he just does rodeos and small side jobs to pick up some extra cash," I say. "Caramel latte for Hayes." "I better get that and get going. Maybe I'll see you around?" He says. "Yeah maybe," I say smiling. He gives me a quick hug and walks out the door. The scent of his axe lingers in the air and on my shirt. I can't stop thinking of those eyes like they were literal eye goals. I am interrupted from my thoughts when I hear "One grande caramel frapp for Brina, from Hayes." Oh geez he didn't have to buy me a new drink. Well now I feel bad because I can't even say thank you. I go up and grab my drink from him and walk out.

I get in my moms car, give her her drink and tell her what happened. She just laughed at me. "Wow thanks mom," I say laughing back. Soon enough we are back 'home'. I go out and let all the horses in. I get Lux out of his stall and tie him up. I groom him and throw on a bridle. I go into the empty arena and use the mounting block to get on. I warm him up then take him out the gate to the trails. I decide to explore my temporary home. It is really beautiful. So many animals and trees and plants. I go deeper into the woods and find an opening. It's a huge field. A huge empty field. I do the first thing that comes to mind. Run. As fast as I can. I let the wind blow my hair and Lux's mane in sync. We move together and become one. We become free. And we stay out there for about an hour just playing with each other in the huge field. It starts to get dark so we head back in. When I get back to the barn, I take off Lux's bridle and hang it up on his stall. I close his stall door and close up the barn. I go up to the house and eat dinner with everyone. After I'm excused I go up stairs and get ready for bed. I check my phone and plug it into the charger. I lay down in bed under my comforter and think,

'This is the best day I've had in a long time."

And soon I'm passed out in a happy peaceful sleep


Whoah I haven't updated in like a year. I felt like writing and since I haven't updated in forever I made it longer and threw a surprise in there. Betcha didn't see hayes comin in there did ya. 😏. Don't worry it's not gonna turn to a hayes fanfic he's just a special guest. So yeah lemme know what you think. It's kinda 3 in the morning and I can't sleep so I'm writing hahaha. Let's see if we can get some votes and stuff yano. 💘💘💘

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2015 ⏰

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