Chapter 2

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~Sabrina's POV~

I open my eyes and we pull into a long dirt road driveway. I look down at my phone then turn off my music. I pull out my earbuds and rub my eyes. It's 12 pm and I have no clue where we are.

"Mom, where are we?" I ask, yawning while I talk.

"Okay so I had no where to take you since Dad's in Ohio. I was going to take you there but there's no where to keep the horses. So I contacted your grandparents and they invited us to live there until the robber is found," Mom explains to me.

"So we're just moving in with people we barely even know?" I ask.

"They are your grandparents and we do know them. It's your fathers parents and you used to always see them when you were little. They were the ones that always brought you the caramel and chocolate covered marshmallows. Those were your favorite!!"

"Mom that was like 10 years ago," I reply, annoyed.

"They're letting us stay here so just be polite, okay?" Mom says to me with a bit of aggravation in her voice.


We pull up to the house. Okay this is not what I expected. I thought they lived on a ranch! My eyes are playing tricks with me. This isn't right. "Are you sure were at the right place?" I ask my mom. "This is it," she replies.

I step out of the truck and walk up the dirt path to the house. I look up. This is where I'm staying until the robber is found. Where will I sleep?

In front of my face stands the biggest, nicest mansion I've ever seen. Even bigger and better than the ones the rich people have on TV. A woman opens the front door.

"Welcome to our home. After you unload the horses I'll show you around," she says in her sweet soft voice.

"Mike should be out back. He'll show you your barn," the woman says.

"Thanks again Alaina," my mom says to the woman.

"Oh call me Lainie," the woman says back.

We walk behind the house and see an older man walking toward us.

"Hello there kiddos," the man says to us.

"Sabrina, Hailey, say hello to Grandpa...?"

"Just call me Grandpa," the man replies to mom.

"So where's our barn?" I ask.

"Right this way young lady."

We walk toward a huge barn. It has an arena, an aisle of stalls, a wash stall and a huge tack room and a lounge. "Wow..." I say in amazement. "Oh sorry hun, this is our barn not yours," Grandpa says. I nod, a little bit disappointed.

We walk past the barn and approach another one. I can't believe my eyes. I thought we were getting a small five-stall barn. I was way wrong. We entered a huge, eight-stall barn with three indoor arenas, one with jumps, one with three barrels, and one empty one. There were five tack rooms, a huge lounge, three wash stalls and two indoor round pens. This was the nicest cleanest barn I've ever seen in my entire life.

Maybe this temporary move won't be so terrible after all.


Authors Note:

Thanks again for reading!! I know I got no views on the last chapter but I wrote again anyways. Oh well 😋 I'll write more when my iPad charger starts working again or maybe I'll write on my phone if you're lucky 😉🍀 thanks again hope y'all are enjoying this 😏

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