Chapter 1

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~Sabrina's POV~

Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm clock goes off. I roll over to the other side of my bed. "Shut. Up!!!!" I groan, slapping it a few times with my left hand. I look at the time at it's five in the morning. Ugh. I must have forgotten to set it back to six. I had to get up at five for a horse show yesterday. I curl up in my bed and embrace the warmth of the covers.

I decide to get up anyway. I kick my blue covers off and swing my legs off the bed. I step on the cold wood floor and stand up. I walk to my closet and open it up. I pick out a pair of light wash skinny jeans and a camouflage tee shirt that says "Country to my core" in hunter orange. I get dressed and slip on a pair of socks. I walk to the bathroom and do my makeup. I just put on a bit of mascara and eyeliner. I don't like caking my face with it because it makes my face feel trapped and covered. I'm just not too fond of it. I brush out my long chocolate colored hair and put it in a loose braid. I pin my side bangs out of my face and brush my teeth.

I walk downstairs and open the fridge. I grab the milk and get the Frosted Flakes out of the pantry. I see my mom pulling out of the driveway and wave to her. She waves back then drives off.

I pour them in a bowl and eat. I hear footsteps coming from upstairs. My head shoots up and I freeze. Normally I wouldn't be afraid because this is about when my dad gets up, but my dad is off in Ohio at a rodeo. I slowly start walking toward the staircase. I'm shaking until I find out who it is.

"Hailey!! What are you doing up?!?! It's five thirty!!!! Why did you scare me like that?!?!" I yell at my little sister. "I'm sorry!!! I heard someone downstairs and I didn't know who it was!!!" Hailey yells back. "Whatever. Just go back to bed. I'm going out to the barn to spend some alone time with Lux and go for a quick ride. Get up at six. I'll be back at six thirty to take you to the bus," I tell her with anger in my voice. "I wanna go ride Hazel!!" Hailey says excitedly. "No just go back to bed or you're not riding for a week," I threaten her. "You're the worst sister ever Sabrina!!" She yells, slamming her door. I just shake it off and head out to the barn.

Once I open the barn door I hear neighing and hooves hitting the stall boards. I run to my horse Lux's stall. I look inside and I see my dark bay horse rearing and neighing loudly. I see a dark strip over his bright white stripe. It's his leather halter. I see his leather lead line dangling down from his head. "Easy boy, easy," I say trying to calm him down. I hear a lock click behind me. I spin around and look at Hazel's stall. I take the halter off Lux and hang it up. I close his stall door and take my phone out of my pocket and dial 911.


"Hello. Please state your name, emergency and address. "

"Sabrina Matrix, um I think there's someone in my barn, and 368 Canterberry Road, Blue Moon Ranch. "

"Thank you we will have help there in just a few minutes."

"Thanks a bunch."



I hang up the phone and wait for the police. I walk over to Hazel's stall. I take a look through the bars. I only saw Hazel. How is this possible? I walk to the other end of the aisle and turn on the lights. I walk over by the gate to our big arena. I turn on the radio to try and calm me down. I turn it down as I hear sirens. I walk to the big open doors of the barn. Three police cars pull up. I see two cops come out of each car. They ask me questions like if I saw the person at all and stuff. I answer them and then another car pulls up. Two police women step out. One starts talking to me.


"Hello. Is there anyone else here?"

"Um yes my little sister Hailey is inside."

"Okay thank you."

I go back into the barn. Cops have cut the lock on Hazel's stall. They walk inside and see a pile of hay moving. They move the hay and all we see is a foot slip out of a hole that looks like if was cut with an ax. The one of the women that came out of the car earlier started talking to me. Not the one that talked to me already though.

"Ok so is there anyone in the house?"

"Yes. My little sister Hailey."

"Any pets?"

"Um yeah our German Shepard, Maverick."

"Ok go get them out. It's not safe here."

"Then where will we go?"

"With me."

The officer takes off her helmet and glasses.


"Go get Hailey and Mav out, okay? I don't need this robber hurting them," my mother orders me. I do as she says and we all get in the police car. My mom drives and I sit in front with Hailey on my lap and Maverick in the back. When we get to the station we all get in moms truck. We go home and hitch up the six-horse trailer. We load all five of them up and get all our tack that we will need. We start driving out. I have no clue where we are going, but we go.


Author's Note:

Hey guys!!! So this is my first story and I hope y'all are enjoying it so far! I will up day it when I get a good amount of views, votes, and comments!!! Let me know if y'all like it!!!! 😝

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