Chapter 35: Sad {Part 2}

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*November 2014*

"Hi, I'm Keegan!" I said and the boy with bright blue eyes and dark hair smiled
"I'm Troye, nice to meet you" He said and I shook his hand
"Aright, so this is going to be a fun sort of interview, probably something you have had before but let's pretend it's new" I said and he laughed
"I can definitely do that" He said and we both laughed
"Ok, so I'm going to introduce a few things, such as yourself and whats going to be happening. We only have 10 minutes so I will fly through a few fan questions and then we're going to play never have I ever" I said and he smiled
"Alright, I like it, lets do this" He said and I smiled

"Hey everyone! How ya doing? It's Keegan Anderson, back on the Youtubes! Today, as part of our YouTube Interview Month, I will be interviewing the one, the only, Troye Sivan!" I said and he slid into the screen on his chair, striking a pose.
"HEY!" He said and I laughed
"Hey, how you doing?" I asked
"I'm great thanks, how are you?" He asked
"I am doing well thank you very much. So today, how about we start with you telling the people a little about yourself, providing that they already don't know of your very popular self" I said and he nodded
"Alright, I'm Troye Sivan, I'm 19 and I am from Perth, Australia. I was born in South Africa and I have two brothers, Tyde and Steele and a sister, Sage. I make videos for YouTube, every couple of weeks, I try weekly but I'm a busy lad. I sing and I do stupid things like imitate Beyonce and share my love for social media. I played a role in the movie Spud and it's sequels along side John Cleese and yeah" he said and I laughed
"That was a very detailed explanation, thank you" I said and we both laughed
"I mean, I try. What can I say?" he asked and I jus smiled

"Alright, so we gathered some questions from fans, that you don't usually get asked" I told him
"Sounds like fun. Gimme one" He said
"Would you rather be Beyonce for a day of Kim K?" I asked and he rubbed his temples
"This is such a hard question and I don't know how anyone in their right mind, let alone their left mind can answer this question. I will have to go with Beyonce because she is the Queen B" He said and I laughed
"Ok. Next question, Have you grown into your ears yet?" I asked
"Yes, I am nearly there I would say. My ears were abnormally large for my face for a long time but I think the proportion is working quite nicely at the moment" He said and I giggled
"Are you planning on starring in anymore movies?" I asked him
"I hope so, I mean nothing at the moment, but in the future it's definitely an option. I'm really focused on my music at the moment, I'm working on my album and I want to perfect that before I start another project" He said and I nodded
"That sounds like a good idea." I said and he nodded
"I like to think so" He said and we both laughed

I finished up the interview and he smiled
"Thats a wrap! You can all go home" He said and I laughed
"Your humor is something I admire" I said and he chuckled
"I do try. But hey, thanks for a great interview. I really appreciate it. A lot of people aren't bothered and just ask questions. I've had it a billion times before, so it's nice to find people that make it fun" He said and I smiled
"Anytime. I like to be different. I mean, Connor seemed to enjoy the interview" I said
"Who else are you interviewing?" He asked
"Andrea Russet next week and then Jordan Doww the next week" I said and he nodded
"Andrea is so nice, and Jordan is a pretty cool guy, so I've heard. I've never met him, but I know Tyler thinks highly of him. I meant to mention before, speaking of Tyler. He has a photo of you on his fridge from when you guys went to Disneyland" He said and I laughed
"Oh no, is it the one on that scary ride where I was all pale and he was laughing and having a ball?" I asked and he nodded
"Yeah, he loves it. thinks it's the funniest thing ever" He said and I covered my face
"Oh my god. Well, at least he values that day in some way" I said and Troye laughed

"Hey, I was thinking of doing some collabs while I'm in LA, do you want to do one?" He asked
"Sure! I haven't really done one before on my own channel. I mean, if you count a cover with Luke" I said and he looked at me
"Oh my god, don't even bring up Luke to me right now! I don't know what actually happened, but what is being said on the media is pretty fucking bad" He said and I nodded
"Most of it is true, sadly. This time I can't lie" I told him and he sighed
"Well hang in there, I'm sure you'll get through it. In the mean time, how about we exchange numbers and I'll call you in the next couple of days about the collabs. We can organise a time to actually plan it and then if we don't film it then, we can just plan it another time" He said and I nodded
"Sounds good to me" I said and he smiled as we switched phones to put our numbers in.

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