talk 33

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His sweet scent wafted to him.He blinked his eyes open. A white curtain danced in a breeze from a white fan in a white corner of a white wall. His eyes continued searching the room. White was the color of everything. At last, they landed on something that was not white, the eyes of the person from which the smell came. He was smiling at him, just drinking in the sight of him.
"Hello, stranger." harry said, with a surprising calm tone.
"Hello. You're the one being the stranger, you know." he began to say more, then closed his mouth.
"Oh?" harry didn't want him to stop talking. He had missed his voice and wanted to drink it in.
"'ve been asleep a long time." Nialls face grew long and he thought he looked as though he was reliving the worry of watching his sleep seemingly endlessly.
He moved his hand to hold his and when it dragged, looked down to see it bandaged and attached to an IV. His hand came to meet his, and he smiled down at him. "It's good to see your eyes again, Harry." His eyes met his and he smiled in return. He continued, "You have no idea how much I've missed you." He smiled; harry liked the idea of him missing him. His eyelids began to close.
"Promise me you'll wake up again," his voice was fading. Harry tried to nod his head, but sleep overcame him and he wasn't sure whether he had actually nodded or not.

yo, look at me updating so soon, ur welcome

ok so only like 1 chapter left holy cow, idk if this story is just dragging on or if it even makes sense but I'll probably go back and edit some later on but ty for all your support and everything and I love seeing all you guys confused af
and another a-hole move from me buttttt follow me on Instagram @celenna   because im a douche

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