talk 14

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flash back

"i dont think this was a good idea" niall said as he and harry attemp to bake cakes.

"are you insulting my baking skills?" harry says with mock hurt

"i don't know, maybe i am" niall said we a smirk, after he finished speaking harry grabbed the poorly mixed batter and flicked some at niall, landing on his left cheek.

"ok, so i think we have all learnt our lesso-" before harry could finish niall had poured the batter on top of the curly boys head.

"you little shit" and the started the food fight of food fights, ending in both out of breathe and no on seemingly winning.

"god i love you" and this time, before he could make up an accuse; niall said it back.


"i'm confused,"

"why harry?"

"i dont rememb- dont worry about it, its probally nothing"

"remember every little detail matters"

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