Chapter 1 - Confusion.

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"Ron, Harry, quiiiick! We need to get to Flourish and Blotts now before it closes!"
"Blimey, Hermione, calm down. We still have two hours until it closes!" Ron moaned.
"Yes, but I need enough time to look at everything and get everything I need, and I need at least three new books that aren't on the school list, so come on." She said desperately.
"Yeah, come on Ron, lets go." Harry chipped in. Ron looked at him incredulously, giving Hermione time to rush into the bookshop, leaving Harry and Ron no choice but to follow.
"What was that for?" Ron grumbled as he and Harry looked at books about The Chudley Cannons.
"Nothing," Harry said. "She just really wanted to go, and we do need our school books,"
"Fine. Do you know how much this book is?"
"Five galleons,"
"Oh." Ron hastily put it back.
Harry would have caught his disapointment if he had half an eye. "It's alright Ron, I'll get it for you."
"No it's fine, honestly."
"Ron mate, I'm going to get one too and I am one of your best friends, I am getting it for you." Harry emphasised kindly.
Ron jumped up and down in joy, looking like a female Hermione. "Really? Thanks!" And he wandered off.
Just as Ron was out of sight, Hermione came up to Harry, carrying a huge stack of books. "Hi Harry! I found all my Hogwarts books and four others as well! What have you got?"
"Oh I'm buying some Quidditch books for me and Ron. Did you say you' ve got fourteen books?"
"Well technically I didn't say it exactly word for word, but I suppose one could infer from what I said-"
"Is that a yes or a no?"
Hermione laughed. "A yes."
"Thought so!"
A silence engulfed them, but oddly not an awkward one. They found themselves looking into eachother's eyes and wondering how they had not realised how beautiful they were before. Harry's eyes were green and clear. Hermione's blue and glasslike, like tiny pretty ponds.
"Guys, come on, there you are! We need to buy our books now, the shop's closing earlier than usual today." They jumped apart, not realising they were so close, and Ron's loud voice broke off Harry's whisper.

Once they were walking outside in Diagon Alley again, Hermione suddenly perked up, "I have an amazing idea! Let's all go to a muggle bookshop and compare it to a magical one! We can tell everyone at school about it in September after the Summer Holidays!" She squealed excitedly.
Ron rolled his eyes, "But Hermione-"
"We. Will. Be. In. Sixth. Year. Hermione. Homestly, by that time no one will care about that sort of stuff anymore."
"Let's do it." Said Harry.
By the time they got back into central muggle London and a bookshop was in sight, Ron was deep into a big thought.
"Honestly mate," he said to Harry as Hermione was racing ahead, Pretending not to hear what they were talking about, "Anyone would think you fancy her."
"What, fancy who?" Harry said in a distracted voice.
"The person you're staring at right now." Harry quickly turned his head back round, pulled out of his daze. "You don't, do you?" Ron said, narrowing his eyes.
"What, fancy Hermione?" Harry said in a not very believable voice, "No, no, I mean, no, of course not why would I?"
Harry immediately proceeded into a fake coughing fit as an excuse to bury his face into his handkerchief, so Ron would not see his face constantly growing redder and redder.

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