Chapter 6

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"Where is she?" Harry stood up as he tried to get a good look through the window of the coffee shop.

"Calm down, mate. She'll be fine." Ron said.

"How do you know?" Harry snapped. "She could be kidnapped or lost or-"

"Christ, Harry we've only been waiting ten minutes. Anyone would think you're in love with her or something."

Harry swivelled round. "Don't be ridiculous, Ron. Again. We've been over this,"

"I know, but-"

"Why do you care so much anyway?" Harry realised.

Ron looked stumped, but turned to being defensive. "I don't." He said.

"Unless you fancy her, of course." Harry said.

Now Ron turned even more defensive, "I do not!" He said, turning the colour of a dragonfruit.

"Then why are you always hinting that I do?" Harry said.

"Because it is obvious that you like her!" Ron said. "And she's mine."

"Oh so you do fancy her then."

"No - I - but - Ok." he said, giving in. "Maybe I do a little bit, but it's none of your business whether I do or not." Ron flared up.

"Oh but it's your business if you think I do?" said Harry, also flaring up. "And Hermione doesn't belong to anyone. She isn't an object. She is her own person and definitely does not belong to you just because you fancy her!"


Both of the boys swung round to see Hermione standing cheerfully in front of them, a jovial smile on her face, and carrying a small, field green rucksack in one hand. "Are you ready to get going?" She asked them, with seemingly no clue of having heard the previous conversation the two boys had been having, due to the expression on her face.

"Er, yep." Harry said. "What's the route we are doing today?" He handed her a map.

"Where did you get this?" Hermione asked.

"I summoned it." Harry said, "I thought it might be useful."

"Good idea," Said Hermione, sitting down. "But I've said that you need to be careful about using magic when we're not in school. Dumbledore wouldn't be pleased if the ministry arrested us and had to do a muggle obliviation after he trusted us with the ability to use magic outside of school." She took the map but barely consulted it before informing the others of the journey there were going to take. "We've got five journeys to take on The Tube, then we have a twenty-five minute walk through a subway-"

"Is that all?" Said Ron sarcastically.

Hermione glared at him. "I haven't finished yet, actually. And I'll have you know that it's not a very long trek. I have booked another hotel for us to stay in ten minutes from the subway, and tomorrow we will definitely make it all the way there."

"Ok then" Harry said, standing up. "Let's get started! If we go now we'll hopefully have time to get a nice lunch and a snack in between journeys as well."

"Hang on!" Said Hermione, holding up a restraining hand and pulling a plate of chocolate brownie towards her. "Let me just finish this chocolate brownie." She shoved it in her mouth and hurriedly chewed it. Ron and Harry started at her.

"Ron's rubbing off on you too much, Hermione!" Said Harry.

Ron glared. "Just because I have a good appetite-" He started.

Hermione shoved a tart into his mouth.

"Let's go." She said, picking up her bag and heading out the door. The boys rushed after her.

"Which way's The Tube?" Said Ron, huffing and puffing already.

"Presumably, the same place as yesterday." Said Hermione. Harry guffawed.
"Which is where exactly?" Said Ron grouchily.
"Well it's difficult to know, but I think it might be where that great big red sign says 'The Tube' on it, right in front of your face." Said Hermione sarcastically. Harry smirked.
Ron huffed again and followed the others into the subway.
After geting off one of the stops, they had to walk back up a couple of flights of stairs. Exactly nine steps up, Ron stopped and leant against the railings.
"Oh for the love of God, Ron!" Said Hermione.
"Who the bloody hell is God?" Said Ron. "Do you fancy him, like Victor Krum?"
"Muggle expression, deriving from numerous religious beliefs." Hermione said passively and quickly. She was used to having to quickly explain things. "Anyway, I never even went out with Viktor Krum, and  when did it become your business?"
"I'm your friendk aren't I?" He said gruffly.
"Have we got any more stops then?" Said Harry, hastily breaking up the argument.
"Yes, we have actually. We've arrived here in good time, so-" Hermione looked at her watch. "After the next three stops and the subway, we'll hopefully have some time to do a few more stops. But we'll see; we don't want to be in London late at night. Especially on The Tube."
"Why not?"
"You are so naive, Harry!" Hermione said fondly, "Stuck in a rapidly moving tin box impossible to get off it until you get out of it, with a load of drunk people either on the way to or from night clubs in London? Instinct tells me, it's not going to end well. Also you might be being tracked. You're not seventeen yet, so people can still place the trace on you."
"That rhymes." Said Ron.
Hermione looked at him degradingly and despairingly and pitiyingly.

To be updated again soon! I'm so sorry! Thank you all for being so patient with me, but I hope that those of you that have stayed with me are still enjoying it!!xxxxxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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