Chapter 5

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Gentle rays of sun prickled at Hermione's eyes, urging her to open them up and see the glorious day it was giving her the light to see. Reluctantly, she opened her eyes to look over at where the sun was seeping in through the thin curtains. She rolled back over onto her other side and tried to get back to sleep. However it just wouldn't come, so she swung her legs out of bed and yawned, giving in to the new day.

Once she had got washed and dressed, she went into Harry and Ron's room and pulled the curtains open, letting light into the room.
"This is giving me a flashback to the start of fourth year," Harry groaned as he got out of bed and got changed.
"Me too," Ron yawned as he slowly pushed his covers off.
"We need an early start." Hermione informed them. "We've got a long way to go and we need to find out how this story has been getting out into the muggle world so quickly."
"How far will we get today?" Asked Harry.
"About half of the way there," said Hermione, "But if we are really quick we can get about three quarters of the way there."
"What's the plan?" said Ron as he pulled a maroon jumper he had got for Christmas over his head.
"Do you not know anything about our journey or how we are getting there?" said Hermione helplessly.
Ron stuffed a piece of toast in his mouth. "London's confusing." He said lazily, "You know it, we don't."
Hermione looked at Harry helplessly.
"He does sort of have a point; If you weren't here with us, we'd be absolutely lost!" Harry pointed out.  Hermione rolled her eyes.
"I'll tell you the plan later. I need to get dressed, pack and check out. You two-" she pointed sternly at Harry and Ron, "Pack your bags if you haven't already and meet me in the coffee shop over the road."

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