Chapter 3-

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"What's the address again, Hermione?" Harry asked as the three were strolling along in London.
"It's in Tottenham Court Road."
"Do you know how to get there?" asked Ron.
Harry rolled his eyes, "Of course she does! We get some sort of tube thing, don't we, Hermione?"
"Yes, but the assisstant was right, it is on the other side of London, near the outskirts, so it will take a couple of days and about ten rides on The Tube. We will have to let someone know at the Burrow that we are going to be away for a few days." Said Hermione, studying the address and every sign they went past
"Why?" Asked Ron.
Hermione and Harry stopped in their tracks and turned to face him incredulously. "Oh, let me think, Ronald, it might be because of the fact that we are staying there and if we go missing then Mr and Mrs Weasley will go out of their minds with worry?"
"Oh yeah." Said Ron as they started walking again and they had all stopped laughing. "I'll find a fireplace and go now shall I?"
"Yes, good idea," said Harry and Hermione together in harmony! And Harry said, "We'll meet you in that Costa over the road."
Ron agreed and soon Harry and Hermione were sitting opposite eachother in the coffee shop, talking happily.
"Hermione?" Harry said.
"I'm really worried. It's bad enough having my story all over the wizarding world, I don't want it here as well."
Hermione sighed and took his hand under the table. "It will be alright, Harry." She said, "Whatever happens, me and Ron are always with you."
"Ok." He said, looking a little less glum. But then he suddenly looked sheer cheeky and mysterious. "Hermione, who do you have a crush on?"
She hurriedly took her hand away. "Why?" She said quickly.
"Just wondering."
"Well, I'm not going to tell you. What about you?"
"Please tell me? Please?"
"You know it's obvious?" Harry said.
Hermione spluttered and burnt herself on the coffee she was drinking. "What?! Who do I like then? How is it obvious?"
Harry burst out laughing. "It's not really, I'm just joking!" He said inbetween outbursts of laughter. Hermione glared at him. "You dodged my question a minute ago. Who do you like?" She said.
Harry went red but quickly recovered. "Well, I think it's fair to say you'll find out soon enough," he said.
"Oh yeah?" Said Hermione, and they both found themselves leaning in...
"Phew! That was tough! It took me ages to persuade Mum that we would be fine on our own, and then I came out the wrong fireplace on the way back, but anyway, what is there here to eat?" Ron's sudden reapearance caught Harry and Hermione jumping away from each other as quickly as two jacks in boxes and Hermione's chair even scraped the floor as it unexpectedly skidded backwards.
"Oh, um, hi Ron!" Said Hermione, "We saved a chocolate brownie for you if you want something to eat."
"But if you're not hungry, I'm more than happy to have it!" Grinned Harry, recovering from his embarrassment.
Ron was shocked. "Get your hands off it, this brownie is mine." He said, digging in without even bothering to use the cutlery provided in front of his plate.
"You are disgusting, Ron." Said Hermone in disgust, and soon, they all found themselves laughing with each other again.

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