Chapter Seven: Pietro

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(Pietro's P.O.V)
I woke up in the Med Center. By the regenerative machine Alex was in. Is this the only way I'll ever see her from now on? Cold and unmoving. Light blue in color and so lifeless. I died and came back to be with my Princess. I went through Hell and back to get back to her after my "surgery". I hurt her and it got her killed. I fought the monster that killed her. I avenged her and I still feel empty! I lost the one thing I love more than anything in the whole world, besides my sister. I heard someone walk back into the Med Center and I closed my eyes. I'm hurting in more than one way. I'm burning on the inside from heartbreak and the outside from the explosion, but honestly I don't even feel the outer burns. All I feel is the pain on the inside. Missing my Princess.

They finally realized I was just sleeping and sent me to my room. I just laid there no talking, not sleeping, not doing anything really. I now know how Alex felt. When she wakes up I have to apologize. I have to tell her I know how she felt and that I'm not mad at her. I just hope she wakes up soon. I miss her so so so much! This machine has to save her. I don't want her going through the surgery I went through. I know this machine can save her, but I just have to wait till it does.

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