Til Death Do We Part

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Erens pov:
~years later~
I watched as they lowered his coffin into the grave. I couldn't stop crying. My love, my only reason to live, was gone. It felt like a part of me was gone, like there was a big hole where my heart should be. I wanted to curl up in a ball and die. Everyone said that I would be okay but I honestly dont thinl I will be. They said he had a peaceful death, he did, I was there with him. He had had a heart attack and was on life support for the last few moments before they took him off life support. I was with him while he was taking his last breaths. I was holding his hand while he told me sweet things. Things that just made his death even more painful. He told me he was glad that I was there with him for his last moments. He also said that he was going to have a peaceful death knowing how much I loved him. Then right before they unplugged the machine that was keeping him alive, he said one last thing that had me in tears.

He said; "You can't love me as much as I love you, it's impossible..."

I fell to my knees crying as all the happy memories of him rushed through my mind. It was then I realised that I couldn't live without him. It's like trying to breathe without air; Impossible...

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