the seatbelt saga

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okay this makes me sound as though I'm a spoilt selfish little brat but I swear to god do they want to endanger my precious life.

let's rewind a bit okay.

if my dad hadn't booked a flight in manchester this would not be a serious issue! the drive from my house to manchester airport takes precisely 3 hours and 45 minutes. instead of having a normal ford or whatever my dad decides to travel around in a Saab. now this car company went bankrupt 4 years ago.

bear that in mind as i tell you this:

my mom, my dad, my sister, my brother and I are all driving down to Manchester airport to catch a flight to Rome in his car. everyone is older then me #youngestchildissues I would be getting the ever so fabulous middle seat that the seatbelt doesn't even work. I'M GOING TO BE STUCK IN THE SMALL ASS SEAT FOR 3.75 HOURS!

my brother (let's call him an asshole) is 18 months older than me and I'm currently about the same height as him but since I'm the youngest #youngestchildissues I have to have the seat from hell.

so in less than a week i have to pack up and enjoy trying to fit in this death for my butt trap.

Amelié / melodramatic bitch rn

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