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Was it weird to feel like you've cheated on someone, even when you weren't even together?

Chloe pondered this as she dolled herself up in the green room of her work. It was a white room, cramped with lanky girls, as most green rooms are, and was covered wall-to-wall with mirrors, stained with lipstick and mascara and what had rumored to be blood after a dancer allegedly lost it and punched the glass. But no one knew for sure.

Chloe had felt like that a lot at Abby's. Like she was going to spiral into a tumultuous breakdown. Like she wanted to smash the sole of her wooden pointe shoe over Abby's head. Like she was going to launch her fist through the mirror, leave it bloody and shard-filled.

Chloe shook her head. Now was not the time to be recalling her somewhat-traumatic childhood. She dusted the bronzer across her pale jaw, the bristles soft against her skin. She had to do her makeup extra sultry and mysterious tonight. Alona was watching.

Alona and Chloe weren't exactly dating, but they had been hanging out with each other for the past few weeks and had been texting each other 24/7 (and made out sometimes, but shhh, that's a late night secret only meant for the stars). Chloe attended every poetry slam she could and Alona had finally found the time between being a poetess and a freelance artist to come watch of show of Chloe's.

And Lucas had come home.

He facetimed her right before the plane touched down at LAX with a sleepy Kalani, ring-less, resting her head on his shoulder. It was late. She dared not tell him about Alona. It was too early in the relationship. And besides, how would Lucas react if he found out she liked a girl?

She hadn't told anyone else about Alona either. She was her little secret, a long haired fairy with a penchant for words and tall blonde girls.

Her call time rang out on the loudspeaker. Quickly, she brushed a coat of dark lipstick on and rushed out the door, bare feet pattering across hardwood.

Chloe had been working at this show for around a year, and she still had no fucking idea what it was about. It had a princess and a horse and a message about the human spirit or something like that? Chloe came in for her audition only knowing 1.) That it paid great, 2.) it had some pretty stellar reviews and 3.) she needed money.

She gathered with the other dancers in the wings and listened for their cue. It was a clear bell sound, and when it came, Chloe felt a rush of adrenaline.

She danced her heart out, her feet out, performing until they cracked and oozed. She lived for it. It gave her breath. It was her reason to breathe.

She finished that night with a sly smile on her face, all bandaged up and sweaty. Alona greeted her at the stage door, threw her arms around her girl, skeined her fingers together at the back of her neck. Chloe was startled, but noosed her arms around her waist. You're mine for today, at least.

Alona smiled like the sun had granted her a kingdom in outer space. "You were lovely." She whispered. Chloe grinned. The other dancers looked at her like she had grown a third head.

She didn't care. She had all she wanted, right?

i liked writing this a lot

hope yall are doing well

the yt video is a great song called "lonely people" by orla garland and I love it

stay safe xxxx coll

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