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Kalani's gum smacked in her ears. The scent trailed off of her mouth. Watermelon. It was her and Lucas's favorite type of gum.

"Do you have another piece?" Chloe asked, rolling one of the young couple's suitcases along. Kalani shook her head no. Chloe's stomach growled. She hadn't slept a wink in twenty-four hours and she hadn't ate since last night after contemplating what she could say to Lucas at the airport. So far, nothing.

They reached the mass of seats that was their terminal.

Lucas tapped his foot and gave Chloe a fast hug, while Kalani wrapped her arms around Chloe quickly. True, they danced together for two years, but their relationship was somewhat detached when the brunette took Abby's side and the blond took her own.

"Bye." She waved as a voice on a speaker told them Flight 435 to Dublin was now boarding. They joined hands and ran to the terminal. Chloe felt sick.

She walked back to her car, her pale yellow hair trailing off her shoulders and tickling her turquoise tank top.

They were couples everywhere. It was eight in the morning, for Christ's sake! And here they were, hugging and kissing. A song was playing over and over in her head.

And all I want is a confidant to help me laugh it out.

Chloe swallowed and hugged her pocketbook to her side. The car was only a few minutes away, and then she could blast her music and be sad alone. She hummed along to the tune.

Say I'm an airplane, and the gashes I got from my heartbreak make the slots and the flaps upon my wing and I use them to give me lip.

Chloe jammed the keys into the ignition and riled up the Fiona Apple. It was a warm August morning that smelled like ignition fumes and freshly-cut grass. Such a strange combination.

She drove straight home - craggily belting out whatever lyrics she wished because Lucas wasn't here and Kalani wasn't here. Normally Lucas loved singing loudly in the car - but when he, Chloe, and Kalani got together, (Chloe being the awkward third wheel) he didn't like it.

Lucas didn't like a lot of things around Kalani. He liked to talk about dance and school and work, but he didn't like Chloe being loud and awkward and well... Chloe.

Chloe arrived home, yanked her keys out, shoved them into her purse, and ran all the way up to her third-floor, four-room apartment (a bedroom, a bathroom, a place where she put all her junk, and a kitchen).

Her cat, Cosmic, greeted her at the door, purring against her bare leg. "Ah!" She squealed as Cosmic's wet fur slid across her calf. Chloe hated unexpected damp things across her skin.

"Cosmic, why are you so wet?" She asked, bending down to the kitty's level to scratch her fuzzy head.

The blonde heard the sound of streaming water and and make a bolt for the bathroom. She held her breath as she saw liquid coming from the spigot.

"Shitcakes!" She quickly turned off the faucet. The valve had been loose and leaky ever since Chloe had bought the apartment five years ago.

She slumped down. Everyone used to love her. Where was her "big break"?

(a/n: shiIITTsssS goin down


i'm not fine at all after listening to 5SOS

suCh beauty

lol hi i hope you like this)

in the middle of the night  ~c.l.~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant