Chapter 4

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Cameron's P.O.V

By the time we got to the restaurant my mom decided that I was in charge this summer and that I made the rules, but I can't treat Bri like a baby and I have to give her space sometimes. Yeah, I realize I was being hard on her before, but ever since I saw the way Brad hurt her I never want to see her go through that again. I also know she isn't exactly looking forward to this summer and I don't want her to do something stupid and get herself into trouble because she's mad about being there. I also feel better knowing that Nash is having this same conversation with Hayes. They are the two youngest of the group and we're all like their parents for the summer. Although Brianna may not be excited, I am definitely excited for her to meet everyone. I haven't introduced her to them because I'm afraid of her either not liking the boys or liking the boys a little to much *cough*Hayes*cough*. The only one she's met before is Nash and they get along really well together. He's like another brother to her but she gets annoyed sometimes because he is just as protective as I am. Me and Nash have also had many discussions about how we both refuse not only to let Brianna and Hayes date people on this trip, but they are also not allowed to date each other. If we find out anything goes on between them they are both gonna be punished cause they both know the rules.

"What do you think your going to get Cam" my mom asks breaking me out of my train of thought.

"I think I'm just going to get some ravioli. How about you Bri?" I ask.

"Not sure" she mumbles and keeps her head down looking at the menu.

Something about her has been bothering me lately. She's lost a lot of weight and never eats with us, but when she does she eats little to no food. I might just be paranoid but I really hope she's not doing anything stupid that could hurt herself.

Brianna' P.O.V
I'm trying to look at the menu and find something healthy that I can get without making it seem to obvious. Finally, I find a grilled chicken dish that comes with whole wheat pasta. I'm really trying to get better and gain a few pounds so my goal is to eat at least 3/4 of the meal.

"Okay guys. You both need to get over it and talk to each other again or else this meal is gonna be really boring" my mom blurts out

I guess she's right so I try and think of what to say.

"I'm sorry Cameron. I'll try and behave this summer." I finally say,

"I appreciate that and I'm sorry I was so hard on you before"

"It's okay I just want to get over this and try and make the best of this summer"

"Well I will try my best to make that happen. If it helps I found a dance studio and a cheer gym that I signed you up for" he says smiling.

"Oh my goodness thank you sooooo much. Your the best big bro ever!" I tell him. I really do mean that. He is always looking out for me. The rest of the dinner as fun we just laughed and joked around.

~~~~~~Skip to the next day~~~~~~~

" Bye Bri. Bye Cam. Love you guys. Cameron be nice to your sister. Bri, listen to your brother please. Both of you behave yourself" my mom yells as she closes the door behind her.

"Now the summer can begin. Start bringing your stuff down and I'll help you load it into the car" Cam says excitedly.

"Okay" I call back. I'm kind of nervous to meet everybody. What if they don't like me? Oh well I'm sure some good will come out of this trip if I get to spend time relaxing on the beach.

"You got everything" Cam asks.

"Yup I think so" I say as I look through by backpack one more time. I made sure to pack everything I need for the 3-hour car ride which includes:
And a vanilla bean frapp from Starbucks of course.

"Alright, let's go!" He yells excitedly.

As we get in the car Cameron blasts some music and we start just joking around with each other. And the car ride actually went pretty fast because I slept for the last two hours of it.

"Bri wake up we're here" I hear Cam's voice say while he's shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see Cameron on my side with the door open. I was still tired so I closed my eyes again knowing this would get him annoyed.

"Bri pleeeeeaaaase get up" he whined.

"Will you give me a piggy back ride" I ask.

"Fine" he says and I get out of the car and jump on his back. We walk to the front door and and ring the doorbell. All of a sudden the door swung open and 8 teenage boys run and tackle Cameron, not seeing me on his back. Cameron ended up falling back on top of me and someone's elbow met my nose.

"Cam" I say

"Cam" I yell annoyed. He is seriously crushing me right now.

"Cameron get off me" I yell as loud as I can.

"Guys guys get up I'm crushing Bri" he finally says.

As soon as everyone gets off me and Cameron I put my hand up to nose and when I pulled it back it was bleeding. Cameron was still talking to all his friends so I decided to sneak into the house while he wasn't paying attention so I could wash up and not get him freaked out because of my nose.

"Okay bathroom...bathroom?" I said to myself.

"Keep going straight first door on your right" a heard a voice say behind me causing me to shriek and turn around to see who it was.

"Sorry it's just me. Hi I'm Hayes." The might I say really cute guy says. He has really dark brown hair and bright blue eyes just like Nash's.

"Hi I'm Brianna, but you can call me Bri."

After staring at each other of for a very awkward amount of time Hayes finally blurts out...

"Oh my gosh what happened to your nose"

"Oh was gonna clean this up. Someone hit it with their elbow"

"Ouch, looks painful. Let me help you clean it up." He says leading me towards the bathroom. I sit on the counter while he gets some paper towels. He begins to wipe the blood always and as he finishes he pulls his hand back leaving his thumb on my cheek. I know I just met him but I couldn't stop staring into his eyes and we just kept getting closer and closer until our faces are only inches away from each other. I could tell he was still leaning in when we both hear

"Wow, sorry I didn't mean to interrupt."

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