Chapter 5

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Brianna's P.O.V

I whip my head over to to see Taylor in the door way smirking at me and Hayes' current position. I know he's think something totally disgusting because for some reason teenage boys' brains take something so innocent and ALWAYS change it into something gross.

"Hayes was just helping me clean up after one of you guys gave me a bloody nose" I said, while taking a few awkward steps away from him.

"Uh yeah she's just asked where the bathroom was so I figured I would help her out" Hayes said avoiding eye contact with Taylor.

"Oh alright so that's all that's going on here?" Taylor questions while smirking.

"Yup that's all. Now let me get cleaned up." I spat out as fast as I could while pushing both boys out of the bathroom. I took the wash cloth and wet it again and started wiping away more blood. My nose was tender but it didn't hurt to much. It was more annoying then it was painful. I finished up and walked out. All the boys were still on the front porch so I walked past them to the car to get my suit case. I opened the trunk and I tried to grab my bag but I couldn't lift it.

"Here let me help you with that" I hear from behind me and I turn around to see Nash a couple feet away.

"NASH!! I've missed you so much" I run and jump up giving him a huge hug.

"Aw short stack I missed you to!"

"Oh my god would you stop calling me that!!"

"Never!" He said laughing. I love hanging out with Nash he's like another brother. He's silly and fun to be with like Cam but he's also protective like him. But not over protective, he's just enough so you know he's looking out for you which is what I wish Cam could be like. Nash is easier to talk to sometimes because he doesn't see everything from a brothers point of view, he gives me advice from a friends point of view and he's really good at it

"So how've you been?" He asks breaking the hug and grabbing my bag.

"Um pretty good. Not overly excited about this being my summer vacation but I'm alright nonetheless."

"That's good! Have you been good about what we talked about?" He asks, stopping and looking over at me. A couple months ago I talked to Nash about my feelings about my weight and why I wanted to lose weight. I know I can talk to him about these things because we have an agreement that we can talk to each other about anything and we can't tell Cameron. Talking to him about this was the first time Nash ever threatened to tell Cameron what I told him because it was about my health and safety. This was something Cameron could not find out about, for my own sanity, so I promised Nash I would work on how I felt and try and not let Cam's fans drive me to an unhealthy weight.

"Uh yeah I'm trying" I say continuing walking. Nash knows I'm trying to avoid the conversation, because ever since the first time I told him I avoid this conversation. I'm telling the truth when I say I'm trying it just doesn't look like that. It's a slow process and I don't want Nash to think I'm lying. He follows behind me and I know he won't try to continue the conversation while we are walking past the boys so I'm in the clear for now. He carried the bag up to my room and then joined all the other guys in the living room. I looked around and I really like this room. I had a full bed, a dresser, a tv, a nightstand and decent closet and a personal bathroom. The only requirement I had was that I would not share a bathroom with teenage boys, I NEEDED my own bathroom. I turned the tv on and put an episode of grey's anatomy on while I began unpacking. I got about halfway through when I got bored and grabbed my makeup bag. I tried to cover up the bruise on my nose but it wasn't working to well. Finally, I just gave up and walked down stairs to be greeted by five screaming boys arguing about what to do for dinner.

"I want to order pizza"

"I think we should go to Taco Bell"

"Lets go to Applebee's"

Those were the only three requests I managed to hear before they all started shouting over each other again. I'm putting my request for pizza because you can get a side salad which is what I'm looking for.

"I WANT PIZZA" I yell as loud as I can. They all stop and look over at me.

"Pizza it is" Matt is the first to respond, walking over to the phone and menu to put in an order.
"What does everyone want?" He got a bunch of answers including wings and pizza with various toppings.
"Can you get me a house salad?" I asked

"She'll have it with chicken" Cameron butts in.

"No Cameron I don't want chicken in it" I really hope he doesn't make this a big deal in front of everyone.

"Brianna you're getting some protein"

"I'm not really that hungry I don't need any protein."

"We haven't eaten since breakfast you need something other then salad"

"I just want salad though"

"Well you can have salad but I said your getting chicken with it."

"Whatever" I mumbled and look over at Nash to see a concerned expression. I know I'm gonna end up getting questioned by him about the conversation me and Cam just had and about my avoidance of the conversation he wanted to have earlier.

~40 minutes later~

"We're back" Cameron yells holding boxes of pizza. Everyone in the house runs to the kitchen grabbing multiple pieces of pizza then leaving. I wait for everyone to get what they want before I find my salad. I grab a fork and see the container of chicken on the counter but I leave it there and go to the back patio table so I can eat by myself.

Around 25 minutes later I've eaten like a 1/4 of my salad and I'm ready to be finished. I go on my phone and open twitter and scroll around for a little until I hear something dropped on the table. I look up to find the container of chicken and a straight-faced Cameron behind it.

"Brianna I want four pieces of this eaten when I come back." I look back down at my phone with out saying anything and he eventually walks back inside, expecting me to eat four pieces of chicken. If this is how meals are going to go for the rest of the summer I'm going to go insane. I know I need to start eating more it's just hard. When I don't have food in front of me it's easy to say I should start eating more but as soon as I put a plate of food to eat by me I don't want it anymore. I don't really know the food just grosses me out. In attempt to follows Cam's orders I eat the first piece of chicken and then the other one but now I'm ready to throw up. I just can't eat anymore so I grab a napkin and put two more pieces of chicken on it and wrap it up. I begin shoving it in my pocket when a voice interrupts me...

"Brianna." I hear in a sharp voice, scaring me. I turn around to see Nash. I'm relieved it's not Cameron but if Nash saw me putting the chicken in my pocket things aren't looking to good for me.

"What are you doing?" He asks angrily.

"Uh nothing just eating my dinner" I say awkwardly in an attempt to cover my nerves. I pick up my fork and move some salad around my plate.

"I'm having a hard time believing that Bri. When your finished, come up to my room so we can talk. And by finished I mean when half of your salad is gone and you've eaten those two pieces of chicken that are shoved in your pocket" he says then immediately goes inside. Well, that could've been a lot worse I guess. Except it's not very comforting knowing the topic of the conversation we are about to have is going to be my weight. That makes me totally lose my appetite so I go inside and throw away the chicken in my pocket and put the salad in the refrigerator so I have it for tomorrow.

Brianna DallasNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ