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Luke hated that word.
But that's exactly what he was.
And that's exactly how he liked it.

Michael loved the word.
But, he was, for some reason, attracted to....
the opposite.
He was confused.

That is, until this boy came along.

He wore girl clothes.

And he was pretty.

A pretty boy.

What a pretty boy, Michael thought. What a pretty, pretty boy.

And Luke knew it, too.
Luke knew he was pretty.

It just so happened that this pretty boy and another sexuality-confused boy lived
in the same apartment complex.
They were neighbours.

Now, Michael had fallen in love with this pretty boy.

They ran into each other at Starbucks.

"Hey, you like Fifa?" The somewhat punk boy asked the dainty boy.

The other nods, "Of course! I love video games,"
The pretty boys words cut through Michael's thoughts, despite the fact they're light as a feather.

"Want to come over to my place?" The punk asks the pretty.

The pretty nods, but is hesitant, "My walls are pink.."

The punk smiles, "I like that, it's cute."

The pretty smiles back, and off they go.

And, man, is Michael confused.

He's falling in love with a boy.

They walk into Luke's apartment, and oh my goodness, Michael's adoration for the pretty is growing every second.

Michael points to ballet shoes, "You dance?"

Luke is blushing madly, "Yea...you like strawberry milk?"

Michael shrugs, "Never tired it."

Luke points to a white stool that's placed in front of a island in the kitchen, "Sit."

So, Michael sits.

He is whipped on this ballerina.

A pale pink carton is placed in front of Michael, with a lilac straw sticking out of it.

"Try it." Lucas says.

And Michael tries it.

He loves it.

I wonder if the pretty boys lips taste like this...
Michael thinks.

By this point, Michael has forgotten the concept of even looking at a girl.

The pretty and the punk play Fifa for almost four hours, maybe more.

They learn more about each other, and Michael is dying to touch the pale skin of the boy sitting next to him.

He's dying to feel it, to kiss it.

It's 11:15pm now, he hears the pretty yawn, and it's the cutest thing.

They watch The Breakfast Club.

The clock strikes midnight.

"Hey Michael?"


"I like you."

"Do you now?"

"Yea...you're pretty."

Michael is not believing what he's hearing.

"You're prettier. You're stunning, gorgeous, you're beautiful."
Michael says.

Luke crawls into Michael's lap, getting himself comfortable.

"You're all those things, too."

They lay in a not so awkward silence, taking in the warmth of each other's bodies.

"You smell like raspberries...and cinnamon..." Michael mummers, playing with the others hair.

"I wonder what you taste like.." He tries to say this as quite as possible, but Luke still hears.

So, Luke gives Michael what he wants; a kiss.

A passionate, strawberry-tasting kiss.

And they can't stop.

They can't stop touching and kissing, Michael can't keep his hands off this pale princess.

He refuses to let his lips leave Luke's lips, or his face for that matter.

"So fuckin' pretty...oh my god you're so beautiful..."

Luke is loving this, loving the way Michael tastes; like cigarettes and vodka.

"I love you, pretty boy...oh god, the things you do to me...."

Soon, a shirt, a denim jacket, black skinny jeans and a pastel purple sweater are in a pile on the floor.

"Thigh highs...dam you look good in thigh highs...you look good in everything."

Michael is just wonderstruck, he's enchanted, love drunk.

He just can't stop touching and rambling to this pretty boy he adores so much.

Luke bit his lip, "Do I look sexy?"

Michael nods, "So, so sexy, princess..."

Luke giggles and reaches over to a draw by the couch, pulling out a pink collar with a sliver heart and cat ears.

"Would these make me look even sexier?" He asks, innocently.

"Fuck yea, they would."

Michael puts them on the pretty boy, and damn, does Luke look so fuckable right now.

"I wanna fuck you, pretty boy...." Michael moans,

"Well, fuck me, then."

Michael smirks, picks the boy up, and carries him to his room.

"I'm gonna make you feel so good...."

And on the white, king sized bed, Michael makes love to one of the most stunning, flawless, and most breathtaking boy he's ever seen.

With every second passing, he's falling for each and every little thing about Luke.

Michael pulls Luke close, telling him repeatedly how he loves him.

Michael and Luke hate that word.
Yet, that's all Luke is and that's all Michael loves.
However, he loves a girly boy.

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