Chapter 1

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"Emilia!" Mum screams up the stairs once she has placed my breakfast down in front of me. "You'll be late for ballet!" She warned. I just took a spoonful of my alpha bites. The chocolate cereal mixed with the milk creating a chocolate milkshake at the bottom of my bowl.
Emilia has been doing ballet ever since she was two. Most people thought that she would give it up once she turned five but Emilia being Emilia she continued and she is now in grade one, almost grade two. She's amazing at dancing though! Back when she was two she would just do spins and would walk around on her tip-toes but now she does everything from bar work to backflips! She even does different types of dance; modern, tap, contemporary and she is starting lyrical, it's amazing how far she's come!
"Emilia!" Mum shouted once more, stroking her eight month baby bump. Eventually Emilia emerged from upstairs dressed in her lilac leotard with cream gym shorts over the top and a neat bun at the top of her head.
"Finally!" Mum sighed as she shoved a cereal bar in Emilia's hand and guided her towards the front door. "Dads in the car, have a good lesson!" Mum said as she kissed Emilia on the cheek.
After having me, both mum and dad agreed that they didn't want any more children but about a year ago they decided to have another baby, and now mum is eight months pregnant with not one but two children, identical twin boys,much to Emilia's disappointment! After weeks of searching baby books, mum and dad agreed on names for them both too, Ellis and Elliott. In only a few weeks our family will become a family of 10. Both Albi and Sina had died a few years ago so we were living as a family of eight for the past two years.
"And what are we doing today then little man?" Mum asks as she ruffles my hair up and sits in the chair beside me.
"I thought maybe I could play on the trampoline?" I asked, mum nodded so I quickly finished my breakfast, put my shoes on and ran outside and onto the trampoline. After years of having the trampoline it is still stood strong which is very surprising as Dad built it! I really like it, it gives me so much freedom and Emilia can practice her different gym tricks. Alfie taught me how to do summersaults years ago so most of the time I just jump and practice my different jumping skills ( if that's even a thing!).
After spending hours jumping I eventually got tired and so I went inside to watch TV, even though nowadays it's mostly rubbish! By the time I had gotten into a program about chickens Emilia was home which meant time for lunch. The usual aroma of toasted sandwiches filled the house and eventually we sat down to turkey, cheese and sweet corn toasted bagels with cherry tomatoes and apple slices, mum is the best chef ever!

Wardo's WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora