Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sounds of squeals coming from Zoe and Emilia. It was light outside so I guessed it was early morning but after checking my phone I discovered that it was almost eleven o'clock in the morning.
"They're here Wardo!" Emilia said excitedly, thrusting Zoe's phone in my face. A picture of two small baby's wrapped in white towels filled the screen, one baby in a grey hat and the other in a light baby blue coloured hat. Both of them looked exactly the same, soft little noses, small delicate lips and they both had the signature SacconeJoly eye colour; brown. They both looked so much like Emilia and I when we were babies.
"The one in the grey hat is Ellis and the baby in the blue is Elliot!" Zoe smiled. "We are going to see them at one so you two need to get ready! I'm gonna attempt to make toasties for lunch but I doubt they will be anything like your dads!"

I quickly ran upstairs and opened my wardrobe. What would mum like? I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans, some socks, a hoody and a white and navy striped T-shirt. I then gelled my hair a little so it didn't look too geeky and went back downstairs to find Zoe placing cheese and ham into bagels.
"Looking good Ardo!" She laughed as I grabbed an orange and sat down at the kitchen table.
"So are you excited to meet little Ellis and Elliot?" Zoe asked.
"Yeah, I'm no longer the baby!" I smiled back, peeling the segments of orange away from each other in my hands. "They look too alike though! How are we going to tell them apart?"
"That's why they have different hats, so we can tell them apart. They may be identical twins but they will be both be different characters." Zoe explained.
"What do you mean by characters?" I asked.
"Well Emilia likes ballet, you like to jump on the trampoline. It's like how you can tell the doggies apart, Bianca is boisterous and a princess, Theo is likes food. Do you get what I mean?" She smiled.
"Yeah." I smiled back. Now I just want to meet my little brothers!
"Hey Emilia, hey Eduardo!" Mum smiled. A little baby was laid peacefully in her arms, the other baby was in dads.
"Hey mum!" Emilia chimed. "Which ones which?"
"Dad has Elliot, and this lil guy is Ellis." Mum smiled, lightly shaking her finger which Ellis was clutching onto tightly. Emilia went and sat in one of the chairs so dad carefully handed her Elliot, I quickly followed suite so dad placed Ellis in my arms.
When they are laid in your arms you can see so many different features. Little Ellis had wisps of dark hair escaping from his little grey hat. He was still sound asleep so I couldn't yet see the colour of his eyes but I sensed they were brown. His little nose was perfectly formed and according to dad he had the mushed feet, just like the rest of his siblings.
"My lil brother." I smiled and I felt like the rest of the world was smiling along with me.

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