Chapter 2

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I stood there like a lemon as mum screamed out in pain again, Emilia and I looked at each other with wide eyes.
"Jonathan!!" Mum started to scream as she clutched her stomach. Emilia and I just continued to stare at each other in fear. Dad then came rushing down the stairs, gripping onto his car keys in one hand and dialling into his phone in the other.
"Ok, it's ok Anna! I got this, I think?" He said, raising his phone to his ear and then explaining that mum was in labour to the person on the phone.
"So Zoe is on the way to look after you two. We're gonna have to stay put for an hour until she gets here." He explained. He switched on the TV in hopes of calming mum down but it seemed to make her more on edge.
"I- need- drugs." She managed to say through another pain. I think they're called contractions?
"You have done this twice before Anna." Dad Tried to sooth her, rubbing her back. His attempts failed...
"I had an epidural Jonathan!" Mum replied back through gritted teeth. Dad then gave up on all attempts of reassurance until Zoe arrived.
"I'm that cool babysitter!" Zoe said, grabbing the dominoes takeaway menu and then sitting down on the sofa with Emilia and I. Mum and dad have been gone literally five minutes and Zoe is already breaking out the treats. "You guys aren't going to school tomorrow, So I was thinking, pizza party Thursday night, movie night, late night and snuggling up on the sofa with my two favourite friendliest friends?"
"I'm up for it!" I yelled as I started to run up the large stair case. I eventually made it to the floor of my room so I ran in, grabbing my blue duvet and pillow before running back down again. Once I walked back into the living room I saw Emilia already scanning the pizza menu, confusion written all over her face.
"How about we get a ham and pineapple pizza, a plain cheese pizza, some chicken and cheesy garlic bread?" Zoe suggested. I started to nod and Emilia followed suite so Zoe quickly started to dial the number into her phone.
If mum and dad were here right now they would be insisting on us all eating at the table but because Zoe is incharge she is allowing us to eat in the living room, a proper treat for Emilia and I. Eventually the pizza arrived and we started off the movies with pitch perfect. I have never watched this movie before so I suppose it will be eye opening. I wish Emilia would do mermaid dancing though, I think it would be very entertaining! Zoe then also put her hands over my ears a few times as what dad refers to as 'naughty' words were said.
After only getting halfway through the movie I could feel my eye lids slowly starting to shut, this lead me into a deep sleep and lead me into thinking. Tomorrow when I wake up I might be a big brother. I might have two baby brothers who depend on me to look after them, I'm not gonna be the baby of the family anymore! It's just a new adventure that's waiting to happen!

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