chapter 8

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Lily's pov
I hear someone knocking on my door at 6 and i wanted to kill someone. It's probably four making sure I'm up for training preparation. The knocking continued so i finally got up and went to the door and opened it. With out looking i say, "four i can wake myself up...". I stopped when I actually saw who it was, eric. I laugh and say, " Well your not four". He replied, "Yea I'm not four". I move and let him in and watch him turn around. "So i didn't see you after dinner last night", he said. "Yea I'm sorry i waw just really stressed out and tired, i fell asleep and didn't wake up til you came knocking on my door", i said. I hope he wasn't going to yell at me too, I'm tired of people. Eric sighed, "it's ok i just didn't know what happened to you, but we need to start getting you ready we don't have a lot of time". My thoughts went back to yesterday, the plan, lying to my brother. I felt horrible i wanted to tell him yesterday but i know he would flip out. I look at eric and sighed, "Yea we do um.. how about after training u have control room duty". " Yea we can do that 6:30 got it". " yes 6:30 I won't skip again I promise". Eric laughed " ok bye". I wave and he leaves, i haven't seen eric smile or laugh in a long time. It makes me smile and remember how we use to be.

Eric's pov
I just left Lily's apartment tell her when to meet up, when she didn't show up yesterday I was kind of worried. Uhhhh Lily that's a tough subject, I liked Lily during initiation alot. She was perfect to me and great at everything she did. I wanted to be with Lily but things were said and done then I did some bad things, we stopped being friends after that. A lot of people are scared of me but Lily never was, she saw the best in me and I liked that. Four was a good friend to but I messed that up too. I found myself missing their company but I needed to put those feelings aside. We have a big mission and Lily needed to be ready for it.

Four's pov
I found the stiff practicing on the punching bags this morning, she was persistent about getting better. I like her she reminded me alot like Lily and I when we first came here. But she needed to get a lot better if she wanted to stay. Eric came walking up and looked at me, "you need help setting up"? That was Weird eric is never like this helpful. "Um sure, help me with the mats". We went to the mats, i haven't seen this side of Eric in along time. I was really great fun to him once apon a time because of him saving Lily. But then he became a jerk and stopped hanging around us. Lily wanted us to be friends back then but I don't know now, didn't know if i could trust him again.

Thank you reading guys, hope you enjoy feel free to comment.

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