Chapter 11

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Lily's pov

Well this blows, four is mad at me, i have to go to erudite for this mission, and everyone's life is in my hands. I'm sitting on top of the building were the initiates jumped off of, i like to go here to think. But i hear a noise and huff knowing I'm going to be interpreted. I turn around and see Eric standing behind me. He looks at me and says, " What are you doing up here"? "Thinking, a lot is about to happen and I'm making sure I'm prepared". He nodded at me and sat next to me. "Your still really nervous". "Yea, all of dauntless is in my hands and in scared i will mess it up". I was because honest, i was terrified that i would fail. And four wasn't talking to me so i was sick with Eric. " Lily you can do this i know you can, you are the definition of dauntless and your doing something brave for your fraction". I looked at him, eric hasn't said anything like that to me since we used to be close. I really missed this part of him, i guess because of the stuff with Marcus i didn't like losing friends cause almost everyone here is like family to four and I. And losing Eric's friendship hurt and with the crush i had on him it sucked more. But I'm not sure i fell that way anymore about Eric. I nodded at him and said "ok' thanks i guess i needed some reassurance". "You and four still not talking"? "Nope but i got to go and do my control room shift". He said ok and i left i didn't really want to talk about four to him, i appreciate eric cheering me up but i couldn't talk about four to him. I care about eric but i don't have the same feelings i did in my initiation.

(Ok so I'm changing the way zeke looks, i just feel like this I'm more him when i read the books. Don't be made.)

Lily's pov

I walk in to the control room fearing i might be working with four but i see zeke. Zeke smiles at me and says "hey stranger i haven't seen you in a while". I walk over and hug him and say, "sorry I've been busy with a bunch of stuff". "Like with Eric". I grasp, "No, nothing is going on there i promise, he's just being a friend". Zeke laughes and says "hey i believe you, it's four that says different". I look down not amused anymore, four really thinks i would do that? I start to tear up and Zeke sees my sadness and runs to hug me and says, "no don't cry I'm sorry i know that's a sore subject". " It's ok". I hug him back, zeke is the only one who knows mine and four's past, and knows when we fight. He's kinda like our mediator sometimes. I say " it's just hard because i can't tell anyone what's going on and he's mad at me". The thing i love about zeke is he just listens and doesn't judge or over step. "it's going to be ok Lily, and hey if he doesn't got you back you know i do". I smile at him and know he's telling the truth. I'm just still worried about tomorrow.

( sorry about the delay i will start posting more and if you have any comments just add them)

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