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The situation seemed a little too reversed for Kise's likings. While the girls were usually chasing him, it seemed he was the admirer this time. He was glad that he was in such heavy contact with his fans now, because he found himself craving Maihime's presence. It was a wonder how he survived those months without her... 

Calm yourself, Ryota. Honestly, it's not that big of a deal. Yeah, just schedule a photoshoot and you'll be alright. Sounds good, yes? After repeating that like a mantra, Kise eventually shook the need out of him and relaxed on his bed. Due to Maihime's surprise visit, Kasamatsu had generously put the training on hold, though he promised hell for when they resumed. The team didn't want to suffer another loss, especially to the two magic teams of Seirin and Touou.

Kise sighed, not really knowing how to deal with the situation at arms. How did one confess? He didn't want to go all into his feelings, making things awkward for the rejection that he was almost positive was to come. 

He didn't know how to decipher Maihime. She was so obvious, but that's what made her difficult. She had this thing where she could make you second guess everything you've ever believed in and at the moment, it was proving to be an annoyance!

  The blonde model sighed heavily before flopping onto Kasamatsu's bed. That's where he and the team were, including Maihime. "All I want... Is the taste that Sumi-chan's lips allow... " Kise groaned and whined into his pillow. 

"This is so difficult!"

"Ryo!' Maihime's voice was loud and authoritive, a trademark of hers and her cousins. "It's your turn for a massage, hurry!" The blonde was quick to his feet, bolting towards Maihime's room. Man, that girl knew how to force relaxation. Kise even ignored the throbbing running had caused his bottom half, for he knew that Maihime would do well in healing. The brunette had her hair in a high bun, washing her hands and the things she used to treat the team members who, mind you, were sitting on her bed looking like the most satisfied men in the world. 

Maihime glanced up at grinned at Kise, "You were here the fastest! Congratulations," She congratulated humorously before patting the leather seat for Kise to sit down on, which was something he gladly slumped on. "Thanks for doing this, Sumi-chan." Kise said gratefully, just to make sure it was out there. Maihime blinked before shrugging. 

"It's the least I could do... For not being there for your game... " Kise heard Kasamatsu sigh and he, as well as the other members, probably felt the same exasperation. If not for the tender feelings Kise was feeling, he'd think that Maihime was more effected by the loss than the actual team was. She acted like their biggest fan; probably was. No one reprimanded her for her thinking, they had gotten used to it. 

 Maihime then sat in front of Kise, beginning the massage. She had just touched him, and Kise flinched. Maihime murmured an apology before she continued putting her magic fingers to the test. Maybe she could be a massage therapist? That was if her dancing career didn't work out, which didn't seem to be the case so far. 

  Moriyama sighed in relief. "Say, Hime... Do you think you could set me up with one of your dancer friends?" Maihime's response was quick and bitter:


This caused the palyboy to go on a frenzy. "Ah, why not? It gets lonely sometimes! I need some female company... " He sulked, murmuring about how Kise always took all the girls- something everyone managed to catch onto. The blonde looked sheepish while the team slowly started to agree. 


"Kise, you should set us up with your fan girls!"

"Double date!?" At the mystery shout, Maihime cringed. The last double date she went on was a disaster. She was sure Kasamatsu remembered to, because he shouted at the team to keep their traps shut- because the 'lady killers' (Why was Maihime included in that title) already declined. 

Rainy Day [Kise Ryota] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now