Harry Potter "Spells"

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Aries: Bombarda Maxima- creates an explosion

Taurus: Imperio- controls the opponent 

Gemini: Silencio- mutes the opponent 

Cancer: Protego- barrier that offers protection

Leo: Expelliarmus- disarms the opponent

Virgo: Episkey- heals wounds

Libra: Cantis- makes the victim sing uncontrollably 

Scorpio: Avada Kedavra - kills the opponent 

Sagittarius: Alohomora- unlocks doors

Capricorn: Reparo- repairs broken things

Aquarius: Aparecium- makes invisible ink readable

Pisces: Obliviate- erases memory 


I found this a long time ago so I'm not entirely if this is very accurate?? But heck it's interesting!

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