Another authors note

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A few things here:

You know when I was a little kid I never understood or believed in genders, not really, I was told about them but I never understood. Did they even excist? Yes, I told myself, why else are there transgenders? Now I know why I never understood genders, being gender fluid and pansexual.

I recently got my hair cut shorter and dyed it and I feel a lot better with kinda short and darker hair. I was so tired of my long hair.

Also why do I need to have such big boobs? I really wish I had smaller ones. It is really annoying to have big boobs and not being able to hide them very well.

I went to a bit darker phase the last few weeks or so and didn't feel like writing much, only a bit of poetry, but the last two days I felt good.

And I started a new story, it is a Destiel fanfic. Summary:

Castiel is a depressed and suicidal teenager who decides to share his poetry online.
Dean is one of his readers and they start talking and fall in love, but is this enough to save Cas?

Castiel is gender fluid and pansexual.

Lucifer/Lucy/Luce is transgender (ftm)

Maybe you are intrested, maybe not. But when you are please check it out. It is called Cas_Collins poetry and you can find it on my profile on Wattpad or on ao3 under the same name. It contains a few of my poems too c:

That was it I guess, have a good night/day. 


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