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{Stephanie's POV}

My phone started going off with text notifications. "Stephanie shut your phone up!" Dylan yelled. "Okay calm down" I tell him. I grab my phone and check the messages.

Mom: I still won't be home so feel free to order food. I'll be back by midnight.

What's new?

Steven: can't wait for our picnic later
Steven: hey, did you forget?
Steven: uhm, Steph I've been here for an hour.
Steven: alright I'm leaving now. Thanks for showing you don't care :(

I checked the time and realized we had all sept the whole day! I quickly texted Steven back.

Steph: I'm so sorry. I just woke up! Last night the party was pretty crazy. But if you want I can meet you at Starbucks :)
Steven: at the mall?
Steph: yes. I'll be there in 20.
Steven: okay :)

"Guys get up! We've slept the whole day it's already like 2." I yell at all of them. I get up and grab my clothes and go to shower. I do my routine: shampoo, conditioner, rinse, conditioner again, rinse, body wash, rinse, and get out.

I dried myself and changed into my outfit. I went back into my room and found everyone still asleep. I decided I would just send them all a text once I got to the mall. I grabbed my purse and tied my flannel around my waist. I started to skate to the mall. When I got close I saw Steven walking. "Scumbag!" I yell. He turns around and I keep skating closer to him. I grab onto his shoulders and stop the board. "Hey, you should've just walked." He tells me. "What's fun about that?" I ask. "Very true." He laughs. We kept walking together and talked.

"What do you want?" Steven asks. "An iced caramel macchiato with soy, please." I tell him. "Alright. Get us a table?" He asks. I just nod and walk to an empty table. As soon as I sit my phone buzzes. It's a text from Raudel.

Weasel: where'd you go?
Stephanie: I forgot, today I planned to meet up with Steven. I'll be back at my house in an hour or two.
Weasel: alright. Want us to stay?
Stephanie: if you guys want. Ttyl tho
Weasel: okay bye :)

"Your drink." Steven hands me the cup. "Thanks." I take a sip. "What'd you get?" I ask him. "I got the orange mango smoothie." He says. "Cool, I'm more of a coffee girl." I say shaking my drink a little. "I can see. So how was the party?" He asks. "It was really fun. We danced and had a great time." I say. "We?" He says. "Oh yeah. Me, Raudel, Dylan and Ash. We were all dancing together and messing around. It was great." I say. "Oh sounds like a great time. Did you guys see Aaron?" He asks. "No actually. We couldn't find him." I say. "Oh that sucks. So what time did you guys leave?" He asks. "We left fairly earlier. Like around 11 maybe." I say. "Oh, so why'd you sleep in so late?" He laughs. "After the party Dylan, Ash and Raudel all came over to my place and we watched movies. They ended up spending the night. It was really fun." I smile. I look at Steven and his face seems hurt in a way. "Oh, cool." He nods. "Hey you should come over. I'm pretty sure everyone's still there. C'mon." I say getting up. He gets up and we leave the Starbucks. We continue talking until we get to my house.

"Guys I'm back." I yell. A lazy, shirtless Raudel comes out of my room. "You were gone for a long time babe." He says yawning. "Sorry I had Starbucks with Steven. I say gesturing to Steven. "Oh hey dude." Raudel nods. Steven waves. "Are Dylan and Ash still asleep?" I ask. "Yeah. I tried waking them up but I fell asleep again. Your bed is so comfy." He says. "He slept in your bed?!" Steven whispers/yells. "Raudel please try waking them up and you and Dylan get shirts on!" I tell him. "Fine! Hey can I have the rest of your drink?" He smiles. "Sure." I hand him the drink. He sips it and walks back into my room.

"So are you guys like... A thing?" Steven asks. "Maybe, well no... I'm not sure exactly.... No we're not." I stammer. "You don't seem too sure." Steven says sounding hurt. "Sorry." I say looking down. I don't want to hurt Steven. "It's fine, I guess I can understand. You see him all the time." He says. "I mean I do like you aswell. It's just you're a grade ahead and well you're never around." I say. "I know. I'm sorry. I've had things... Going on." He says. "It's fine." I say. "Hey, just know I'll never have too much going on for you." He says lifting my chin so we make eye contact. Something comes over me and before I know it, I'm leaning in and so is Steven. I put my hand onto his chest and stop us from kissing. "What's wrong?" He asks. "It doesn't feel... Right." I say. "Why not?!" He says in a frustrated tone. "Although Raudel and I aren't like an official thing. I've spent a lot of time with him. It wouldn't feel right for me to kiss you. You may not understand but it makes sense to me." I say. "You're right I don't understand! You've been flirty with me since the day we met. Now Raudel is around and you suddenly forget all about me." He says. "Steven you know it isn't like that! Why are you making me seem like I tried to like both of you?!" I raise my voice. "Is every girl in this fucking city a slut?!" He yells. With those words I became speechless. "What's going on?!" Dylan yells coming into the living room. "Nothing, we're talking." Steven says. "Nothing really Steven? We all heard you call her a slut." Dylan says to Steven with attitude. "Stay out of this. Why do you care anyway?" Steven says frustrated. "Stephanie is my best friend! I don't appreciate you calling her a slut when you hardly know anything about her! I think it's best you leave." Dylan yells at Steven. "Fine I'll let her get back to being a hoe with Raudel." Steven says. By then I just wanted to break down into tears. "Shut the hell up! She isn't a hoe or a slut. Stop comparing her to Amber. She is nothing like her and you have to realize that!" Dylan yells. "Don't say I'm comparing her to Amber! Because I'm not!" Steven says getting in Dylan's face. Now Raudel came out. "Alright guys calm down." He says. "Shut the hell up. No one asked you to get involved." Steven gives him attitude. "Stop! All three of you. Just stop." I say feeling completely empty. "Steven you have to leave. Now!" I point to the door. He gives me a look then leaves.

I just don't know what happened. I start crying. Really hard too. "Woah hey, it's alright." Raudel sits next to me and pulls me into his chest. By him doing this it made me feel safe. I wrap my arms around his neck and continue to cry. "Stephy it's gonna be okay. I promise." Dylan says. "Wait where's ash?" I wipe some tears and control my breathing. "She's in the shower. I doubt she heard anything." Raudel says. "Oh okay. Thanks guys. I don't know what I would do without you." I smile and hug Raudel. Then I got up and hugged Dylan. "We should watch movies and stay in your room." Dylan says. "Don't you guys have to go home?" I laugh. "I'll text my dad. You need us." Dylan says. "That's true. Raudel what about you?" I say turning to him. "Of course let me just text my mom." He smiles. Yay another night with my best friends.


I think this is my longest part I've written. I'm so sorry for how I made Steven act. But I had to make it interesting. Also, Happy National Scumbag Day!!! So proud of how far Steven has come. Anyway, keep voting for the parts, keep commenting any thoughts you have, and please share my story. It would be amazing to get to 3k+. Thanks so much for reading and I love you guys♡

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