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{Raudel's POV}

I wake up and see Stephanie asleep on my chest. She's hugging me pretty tight too. Awe, my girlfriend is so adorable.

"Baby, wake up." I whisper. "Stephanie wake up." I whisper again. "Babe you gotta get up." I say. "No. I don't want to!" She says. "Babe we have to get some homework done." I laugh. "I finished at school." She says and nuzzles her face into my chest. I can't resist hugging her tightly. She smiles. "Babygirl I want to lay here for as long as possible with you, but we have to get homework done and we still need to watch tv." I tell her. "Ugh! Fine." She sits up and pouts. "Babe, I love you." I tell her. She stays silent. "Princess, are you mad at me?" I ask. She nods her head yes. "I'm sorry baby. What can I do to make it up to you." I ask. She just shrugs. "Fine I guess I'll just have to try everything." I say. I begin to tickle her because she's very and I mean VERY ticklish. "Raudel stop!" She gets out between her laughs. "Are you still mad at me?" I say hovering over her. "No" she says and gives me a quick kiss. "I love you Raudel." She smiles. "I love you too Stephanie." I tell her. I get off my bed and pull her up. "What am I gonna do while you finish your homework?" She asks. "You can eat, or watch Netflix." I tell her. "Okay!!" She says excitedly.

"Done with my work babe." I say. When I look into the living room, Stephanie is asleep on the couch. I leave the kitchen and sit next to her head. "Steph, wake up babe." I say and lightly shake her. "Huh?" She yawns and rubs her eyes. She's so beautiful. "When is April getting you?" I ask. She checks her phone. "Shit!" She yells. "What happened?" I ask. "She called me eighteen times! I'm screwed. She also texted ten times!" She says worried. "Raudel! Why didn't you wake me when my phone rang?!" She asks. "Babe your phone never rang, it was on silent. Plus I thought you were awake." I tell her. She starts opening the texts. "She said my aunts going to pick me up." She says. "When?" I ask. "Around eight." She says. "Well it's six. So you have time to sleep still." I tell her. "I've had enough sleep. Where's your parents?" She asks. "They're not in California right now, they had to go to Mexico to visit my cousin." I tell her. "Why didn't you go with them?" She asks. "Because I wanted to go to school and see my gorgeous girlfriend." I smile and kiss her forehead. She smiles back and gives me a tight hug. "Hey, uh, where are you moving to at the end of the year?" She asks me. "Mexico, my mom and dad think it's better for us to move there." I tell her. "Oh, are you excited?" She asks. "Not really. I'm gonna miss you. We got together when I was scared that you were moving. But now I'm really moving and there isn't anything I can do to change it." I say. "Yeah, are we gonna break up... Like when you move?" She says and looks me in my eyes. I see she's sad and it hurts me. Her eyes are getting glossy too. "Baby, let's not worry about that right now okay? I'm with you right now and that's all hat matters. I love you Stephanie." I tell her. "Raudel I love you too, but I need to know what's going to happen. What's gonna happen to us?" She says. I sigh. "Honestly... I don't know. I try to not think about this stuff. I'd rather just be in the moment. The choice is yours. I love you and I don't want you to date a screen. Although I would love to stay with you." I tell her. She smiles and a tear rolls down her cheek. "You're crying?" I ask. "No, maybe... yes. I'm really going to miss you when you leave. You're my best friend." She says. I pull her into my chest and she hugs me and starts crying. "Baby, please don't cry, I love you and I'm always going to be here for you." I tell her. "But you won't be here! You'll be in Mexico. I won't see you or hug you or kiss you or anything! Raudel it's hard to know that everyday is one less day of you." She says. "I'm sorry." I say. "Why can't you just sta-" she gets cut off by her phone ringing. "Hello... Okay... I'll be out right now... Bye." She says. "Your aunt?" I ask. She nods and grabs her bag. Then she heads for the door. "Babe, are you mad at me now?" I ask. She looks at me and she's about to cry again. "Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow. I love you" I say and she just walks out. I just got her back! I can't loose her before I leave. She's my everything and I need her.

Sorry for it being short. I'll try to make longer parts and considering ending this soon and making the sequel.

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