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A/N: read the ending 'A/N' and comment your opinion. Thanks loves❤️

{Raudel's POV}

"Steph remember the first day we met?" Dylan ask Stephanie as we all sit at a picnic table. "Yeah, Steven through the tennis ball at my arm." She laughs. "Yeah, then I took you to meet this guy." Dylan points to me. "Yeah. I remember that part too." She bites her lip and turns to me. "Yup. Then the next morning I begged Dylan to let me be the one to wait for you outside." I feel my cheeks heat up as I tell her a secret kept between me and Dylan. "You begged?" She smiles. "Yup. He was like Dylan I don't care if you met her first she's gorgeous!!! I wanna get to know her better. Please let me stay outside and wait for her." Dylan mocks me. "Is that true?" She stares at me. "Mostly. I said more..." I say. "What else did you say?" Ashlynn questions. "Well after I said she was gorgeous, I did say I wanna get to know you better. I also said that I like you and that I hope to love you." I smile at her. She immediately turns red. "You guys are the cutest." Ashlynn says. "I remember the day I met you Ash." Steph tells her. "Oh god don't tell them." She begs. "Nope the story has to be told." Dylan hugs Ash. "Well it was at P.E. And you guys left me to go play soccer. Ash came up to me and asked if I was friends with Dylan. I said yes, then she said he's so hot you're so lucky. Then I said that you were just okay and a good friend." Steph tells us the story. Ash is red. "Awe baby you think I'm hot?" Dylan asks her. "Dylan don't do that." I tell him. "Remember the first time we actually met?" Ash asks Dylan. "Of course we were at Stephy's house and we played spin the bottle." Dylan laughs. "That was a weird game." Steph says. "Let's go to the mall." I say. "How are we gonna get there?" Steph asks. "Bus, walk, or call a parent to take us." Dylan suggests. "I vote walk." I say. "Same." Steph agrees. "I say we walk too." Dylan says. "So I don't have much a choice but to walk." Ash rolls her eyes. So we start walking. It's only like a 30min walk so it's not so bad.

"I say we split up. You two can go look around and we will too." Ash says as soon as we enter the mall. I nod in agreement. Ash and Dylan then walk away hand in hand. "Where you wanna go babygirl?" I ask Steph. "Anywhere you want babe. I don't mind." She smiles at me. "Can we go to the Vans store? I need to get new shoes." I tell her. "Sure. What color shoes are you gonna get?" She asks as we walk to the escalator. "Ummm I was thinking all black or maybe black and white." I say. She nods. Once we get to the top of the escalator we go down two stores and go into Vans. When we first walk in I see someone who looks really familiar. "Raudel do you want the low ones or the hi?" I hear Stephanie ask me. I turn to her and start walking over. "The low look nicer. All black?" I ask. "Yeah. All black looks better." She says. "Hey guys need any... Weasel? Is that you?!" The girl I saw when we walked in asks. "Abby?" I ask. "Yeah. It's been a while." She smiles. "Yeah. What like two years?" I ask. "Three actually. But hey who's counting." She laughs slightly. "Haha yeah. What are you doing here? Didn't you move to like Florida?" I ask. "We moved back this past summer." She tells me. Before I can answer Stephanie coughs a little. "Oh uh. Steph this is Abby. Abby this is Steph, my girlfriend." I say. "Oh uhm hi." Abby shakes Steph's hand. "Babe wanna buy your shoes so we can go to Xtreme Boardshop? I need a new board." Steph says. "Oh, well I actually work here. Still a size 10?" Abby asks. "Yeah thanks." I hand her the shoe. Abby goes to the back room as Stephanie turns to me. "So what happened between you two?" She asks. "What do you mean?" I laugh slightly. "Clearly something went on. What was it?" She crosses her arms. "It was nothing, really. She was my best friend." I lie. "Okay." She says. "Here you go, I'll check you out if this is all." Abby says when she comes back. "Yeah this is it." I say and we all walk to the register. Once Abby checks me out we start to leave. "Hey, I have the same number. Feel free to give me a call anytime." She winks as Steph and I leave the store. I just nod. "Yeah just best friends right?" Steph says and shakes her head. "Baby it's not even like that." I say. "Sure. I need to get a new board." She tells me walking to Xtreme Boardshop.

[Steph's POV]
Watching Raudel and that Abby girl flirt and talk about the past and stuff really got to me. I mean I know he has a past, everyone does, but I didn't think he would look at someone else the way he looks at me...

"Welcome to Xtreme Boardshop, can I help you with anything?" The employee guy asks as we walk through the door. "Yeah I'm trying to get a new board like deck, trucks, wheels, barrings, and grip." I tell him. "Alright I'll get you set up." He gestures for me to follow him to the counter. "Choose your deck, I'll get you the best barrings, wheels and trucks. I'll also give you a discount." He smiles. "Hey bro you mind holding back on your flirting? I'm her boyfriend." Raudel tells him. "Thanks and can I get the typing bubble deck?" I ask. "Sure. Let me get that for you and I'll put the board together now so you can ride it home if you need to." He smiles. "Thanks." I smile back. I see Raudel roll his eyes. Why is he jealous of this stranger when he was just flirting with a girl he has a past with? Ugh! Guys are too confusing sometimes. "How long have you been skating?" The guy asks me as he sets the board up. "Well not very long, I'm self taught and I know some advance tricks I guess." I tell him. "That's cool. Not that many girl skaters out there." He tells me. "That's true. But who knows I may get sponsored one day." I joke. "Maybe. Any things possible." He laughs. "I'm Noah. Next time you come in to buy anything use my name and you'll get a discount. Here's your board." He smiles and hands me my board. "Thanks Noah, I'm Stephanie." I smile back. "And I'm Raudel, her boyfriend." Raudel says in a rude tone. "I got that. Plus I'm 18 I'm pretty sure I'm a little too old for Stephanie here." Noah laughs. "Thanks again." I say as we leave the store. "What was that?!" Raudel practically yells at me. "What was what?" I ask. "You flirting with him." Raudel says. "I was not flirting. I was being friendly. And I basically payed half price for the board so I don't care what you think it was." I tell him. "So what, you'll flirt with guys if they give you a discount?" He asks. "No I wouldn't. I respect you and I love you. Why are you so insecure? I just met this guy!" I tell him. "Why did you get upset when I was talking to Abby?" He questions. "Are you seriously asking that?!" I almost yell. "Yes! Why did you get upset?" He asks again. "You wanna know why? It's because you looked at her the same exact way you look at me. I know you had a thing with her. I know you still have feelings for her. I know she was your first love. That's why I got upset." I say and walk away from him. I go into the woman's bathroom and call Ash.

Ash: hello?
Steph: where are you guys?
Ash: we're at the frozen yogurt place in the food court. Where are you guys?
Steph: I'm in the bathroom. I don't know where Raudel is. We sorta got in an argument.
Ash: you wanna go? I can call my mom to come pick us up.
Steph: no you enjoy time with Dylan. I'll call April. And if she can't come I'll skate home.
Ash: okay well let me know. Okay?
Steph: okay. Bye have fun.

I don't want to skate home and I don't really want to disturb April. I guess I'll just walk around the mall and try to avoid Raudel to have some alone time to think. What if he decides to break up with me for Abby? We haven't even been dating that long. It would totally destroy me, he's the only thing that makes sense in my life. I need to talk to someone. I start to dial a phone number.

Steven: Stephanie?


OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY!!!! I AM SOOOO SORRY FOR THE FOREVER LONG WAIT. But I am trying to keep it interesting and fun to read. Thanks to BabygirlMel18 for some ideas. After I finish this story up I was thinking of writing a fanfic about Aaron. Like when Aaron is 18 maybe even 19. Like a total just fictional think about him. Please comment your opinions on that. I love you guys so much!! Thanks for continuing to read, it means a lot to me. This book and you people are one of like 3 things that make me happy.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Blurred (book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें