Chapter One: The Legend Begins

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Euphoria Blake, a name that strikes fear upon the minds of her foes. Whether mortal or immortal, all who hear the name know the stories... But also know the pain.

It all started on a mid summer evening in her family's cabin in the woods. Her father had gone hunting and she had just returned from school. Her mother had been cleaning, when she suddenly had a pale expression about her. "Euphy, I... I'm going out to look for some umm... Spices. I'll be back in a minute."

She never did return, even when her father searched high and low, nothing. A year passed by and she was out for a walk with shadow, a black panther they had saved at infancy from a forest fire.

Her world seemed to get darker all of a sudden, making it difficult to breath. Shadow growled and snarled at the gusty forest, birds flying out of desperation from their nests. Then... Gone.

She had stumbled onto a tree, having trouble breathing. Then she saw the blood. She hoped it was a wounded deer her father was out to hunt, but she knew better. As she regained her strength, they followed the bloody trail, climbing over rocks and fallen trees. It was him. He was dead.

She cried for hours on end, but it changed nothing. Then she saw it, a claw mark upon his chest. Bigger than any bear could have ever done.

She was going to kill that son of a bitch. She took her father's bow and arrow, then sullenly walked home. As she sulked in her room, she became more depressed after she smelled blood. Shadow had brought game for dinner. It was just too much for her at the moment, so she opted to remain in her room.

Six Years Later

She quit school, and had picked up bow training, her father had been a great marksmen. She strenuously labored in hunting and precision timing, but still just a bow would not be enough. So for all that time, Euphoria trained her mind and body to accent her hunting skills. She would make him pay.

On her twelfth birthday, she brought cameras she'd stolen from the mountain lion research team. Determined to catch the bastard, the end definitely justified the means. Months passed by and nothing on the feeds ever showed an above average bear.

The investigation was going no where, like... Like her mother's... It was time for something radical. Yes. Something that she pondered for the longest time.

But the price seemed too great, how could she do something so... Nevermind! All that mattered was the end result!

Euphoria Blake: Infernally Divine (Will Re-Edit)Where stories live. Discover now