Chapter Eight: Reunion

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After blowing up a cabin we worked so hard on, Vincent dragged me to the woods.

"I don't know how they found us! Or what led them here!"

The silhouette of a man burst from the darkness.

"Hands where I can see them! If you cooperate, your deaths will be quick and painless."

His assault rifle pointed at us, unarmed and defenseless.

"By any chance.. did you happen to pray?"

He looked at me, hoping I would come through.

"Define pray..."

Of course I didn't, since he woke me up in a hurry. We both raised our hands in defeat.. the end.
-Of that guy.

Shadow had leaped from a high branch and took him out. She bit his neck for reassurance.

"I see both of you managed to stay alive. Who's the twig in front of you."

Arianne and Layton revealed themselves, but so did our enemies.

"It seems we have all our targets in the same place, FIRE!"

Layton tried to weave a sign but it was too late! There were three of them with assault rifles, and none of us had any spells ready.

"Psionic Wall!"

Arianne screamed at the top of her lungs. Layton's body had disintegrated into pure energy, shielding us from certain death.

I took the opportunity to loot an assault rifle off the soldier's corpse. I emptied my clip on them and dropped the rifle. All three of them fell to the ground dead, but they would not be the last.

"Let's get out of here. Pretty sure that got their attention."

We ran deeper into the forest, hoping that we could find a place to wait this out. Shadow traveled by tree for aerial support, and the rest of us tried to sneak past patrols.

Most people would not know this, but tactical units have a set radius. As long as we manage to escape it, they should stop looking for us. Personally, my radius is pretty big due to my shadow transportation, but it's worthless if I don't do my chants or prayers.

"I think we're in the clear now."

Vincent kneeled down and began his prayers.

"You should at least rest.. We're all exhausted."

Vincent paid no mind, because he knew that if he were to get caught off guard.. Well.. Meeting his mother wouldn't be so bad.. However, he was too young to face her.

Arianne summoned tents and sleeping bags, while Euphoria went hunting. Shadow was to lurk in the darkness to keep an eye on her, since layton was still just a ball of energy.

Before she set out, Euphoria managed to do a couple of chants to help in her task. However it was past noon and she was feeling rather famished and weak.

Euphoria waited in the shadows, waiting for a deer or rabbit. They had been scared off because of the gun fire, and assumed the animals would come this way. There was a small stream, and it seemed rather quiet.

That was until Euphoria let fly four arrows.. She knew they may be on the run for a week or two, and needed food. Four deers fell down to their deaths, leaping from the shadows, she tied them up.

According to the knowledge of summoning circles, it can store living creatures and keep them in stasis. The trick is getting them to stay in a circle long enough to drip blood onto it. It's easier to just kill them then trap them..

She headed back to rendezvous with the others at the camp. When she arrived, Arianne had already drawn the circle over a table.

"Hurry up, those animals aren't going to skin themselves."

Of course, Layton had taught her basic survival skills. She was impatient about Euphoria's slow pace. Sundown was coming soon and she didn't want to spend the night skinning whatever it was Euphoria caught.

"I'm coming, I'm coming.."

Euphoria dripped blood into the circle and a deer materialized. Both Euphoria and Arianne began to skin the deers, one by one. Vincent had been preparing a fire and spit, because unlike shadow, they can't eat raw meat.

After everything was done and they all ate, Euphoria stored all their food once more. Arianne and Layton had agreed to travel along side them, and would be helping her reach the city.

It was until the morning that they heard vehicles near the area and the sounds of horns. The soldiers had set up camp near theirs.

"Wake up, we gotta move!"

Euphoria woke everyone silently. Quickly packing things up, they noticed a strange wind howling.

"It better not be that demon again."

Vincent was preparing for a fight, knowing he would lose.

"Antares isn't going to hurt you unless you keep bucking up."

They waited for him to show, but nothing happened.

"Let's just get out of here."

The way the area felt was cold, even though it was a sunny day. No animals were around and even the trees began to dry. They wandered the forrest regardless of the environment.

"I feel like we're headed the wrong way.."

Arianne hid behind Layton, who took out his pistols.

"We're walking the opposite way of the enemy camp. There is no 'going wrong way'"

It seemed true, until they heard a lot of footsteps and engine noises. They had walked directly into enemy territory.

("Sssss... Kill them.... kill them...")

Vincent hated these soldiers for burning down his home. For destroying the forest, and for threatening all their lives.

("Sss.... kill them all...ssss..")

The voice grew stronger.

Vincent grabbed his gear and laid it down.

"There's no way that we're getting past these humans. I think we need to wipe them out.."

Euphoria agreed with him, because she was tired of hiding. Layton shook his head in disapproval, but Arianne tugged on his jacket. She was confident in her decision to deal with them once and for all.

"I have a plan."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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