Chapter 6

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Elsa's P.O.V

When Jack left I really wanted some company so I texted to see where rapunzel was but i didn't need to she was next to me ha how stupid am I ha

"So" she said while sitting beside me "so I'm getting married well might" "WHAT" wow should have known that she would have said that "well the meeting was about the company and how to save it and we'll they said that me a-and Jackson so yeah that's it I'm might be getting married"

"WOW so.." She got interrupted my my phone ringing "who's that I wonder" and She wiggles her eyebrows. When I go to answer it I put it on loud speaker

(Answer the phone)

Hello? - elsa

Umm hi is this elsa winters? - unknown

Depending who's asking - elsa

Well if it my name is hiccup hiccup horrendous haddock and who might you be - hiccup

H hiccup as in the nerdy cool boy the one that used to hang out with Merida and Anna and ellesa - rapunzel

Well hello rapunzel is elsa there? - hiccup

Yeah I'm here what do you want and I know that Jackson is there with you why else would you call me - elsa

True well I just wanted to know if I was on the wedding list hey Jackson said that I can come and all but it's really upto the bride aswell as I am the bride and grooms chose am I right there Jack -hiccup

Oh your twisted - rapunzel

Nice to here from you too there babe - hiccup

Piss off you you - rapunzel

Alright we need to go because rapunzel is about to break my phone so bye - elsa

BYE - Jack and hiccup

(Hangs up phone)

"Okay rapunzel lets go home I need to sort some things out with my parents and you need to calm you far alright" "ok bye" "bye"

While I was driving home I got a call from my parents and they wanted me to get home as soon as I could because we have having dinner out and that is unusual even for me so I agreed not knowing what's going to happen!

Jack's P.O.V

After what happened with elsa and rapunzel my mom and dad want to go out for dinner and I have a funny feeling it's with the winters ugh why does everything have to come back into my face like a brick wall. I still will never forgive that wall from primary school I was bloody nocked  out  for a day God.

Mom said that I could invite hiccup so that's what I did GOD PLEASE HELP ME OUT ugh

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