Chapter 7

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Elsa's P.O.V

When we reached the restaurant me and Anna sat across from each other while mum and dad sat next to each other but there was 5 seats left hmm OHH NO please not them. "Ugh mother father ugh choose sitting in the 5 spear seats" "oh darling it's for the overland frosts and Jackson is brin-" " aaa there they are Welcome welcome" i hear my mother say loudly

As everyone sat down I just couldn't help but stare at Jackson and his friend "this is hiccup Jackson's friend hiccup this is the winters family" I overhear mr and mrs overland frost say
"nice to meet you hiccup" my mother and father say in a happy way
"Jackson son my don't you Elizabeth, Hiccup and Anna go for a walk "sure"

"Oh and Elizabeth" I hear my mother say quietly "yes?" "Make sure you nice to people around you and just behave and DONT make a scene ok" "ok" and I kiss her check a leave with Jackson hiccup and Anna how could this day get it any worse.

When we reached a bar far away from our parents I order a dekila  and I see the boys  orders a beer but Anna is too young to drink so she orders a coke (Anna is 18 she's just finished school and your meant to be 21 to drink) once our drinks arrive we all sit down at a table of four. We all started talking and it was really interesting it was about the business and about what where going to when we get married but that only lasted until my phone rang "excuse me for a second" as I leave the table I pick up my phone

(On the phone)

Hello? Elsa

Elsa hey wanna hang out unknown

Uhh sorry I can't and who are you? Elsa

Eh it's Merida Merida

Oh hey um you know what meet me at the Lenny bar near Central Park k Elsa

Oh ok alright umm see ya soon then Merida

Bye Elsa

(Hangs up phone)

When I go back to everyone I can't see Anna anywhere "umm where's Anna?"
"Someone called her and wanted to meet so she went I think she said her friend name-" "Hans" "what has he got to do with little Anna isn't he the same age as us?" I hear hiccup say "yeah there umm dating well I don't like him at all he always find away to ruin lives" I say and look at Jackson but he seems to be saying something but I couldn't here him

Jack's  P.O.V

"Ehh Elsa over here" I hear someone say as I turn around I see a girl with bright red hair at first I thought it was Anna but it wasn't it was a girl with big red puffy hair I turn to hiccup to see his fists in a ball "dude what wrong" I whisper to him "that's Merida Elizabeth invited her" as  the girl and Elizabeth come over I see it more it is Merida "what's those to dweebs doing hear" "dweebs where not the dweebs here little girl" hiccup says and starts to walk away "wow still a wee baby hay" I hear Merida say and Elsa pulls her back "please just be nice for me PLEASE" Elsa pleaded "why should I he broke MY HEART and he broke YOUR HEART how about I break them instead" "ALRIGHT THATS ENOUGH NO ONE IS BRAKING ANYTHING YOUR ALL ACTING LIKE CHILDREN" I yell and Elizabeth stands next to me  "now sit down and talk alright and sort out you differences UNDERSTAND" Elizabeth says really loud "yep" they say in unison and we all sit down.

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