Chapter 7:I'll Never Stop Trying To Find You

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A/N:First of all, I'm so sorry for the short update and second of all thanks for the 31 votes, I appreciate it :) And third of all sorry for the short swear

Lauren's POV
"Why isn't she coming?"

I mumbled to myself... I found out who kidnapped me... the traitors... turns out they actually WERE in the room next to us and followed me. When I walked back, they simply threw a brick on my head, knocking me out.

They've been asking me the same question every time when they come.

"Why'd you run away?" Is the question I hear everytime. I always reply with a "None of your business" and guess what they do when I say that? That's right, they SLAP ME!!! Some called "sisters"... I've been trapped here for over a week and all they give me is water and bread... wow that sounded so poor...

But every day I plead for Dani to come... but she hasn't for a week... and I'm starting to lose faith...

If only I could call someone to-

I smacked my forehead.

"I am so dumb!!!" I exclaimed quietly. I grabbed my phone out of my shoe and it had 54% of battery. Should last enough.

I locked myself in the bathroom there. Then I dialed Dani's number. I know, I should've dialed 911, but I don't want to get caught up with the police. I held the phone to my ear.

Dani's POV
Hanna and I were sitting on our couch and we were panicking.

"We only have 2 more weeks to find her!!!" Hanna panicked.

"D-don't worry we will find her" I told her, even though I wasn't so sure myself if we would find Lauren...

" 'Cause I Got You, whoa whoa I Got You who-" I grabbed my phone and answered it, not looking at the ID.

"Hello?" I asked.

"D-Dani? DANI HELP!!!" I heard... Lauren? Screech... then the line went dead.

"Hanna!" I yelled at Hanna.

"What?" She asked storming into the room.

"L-Lauren..." I pointed to my phone.

"She called you?!" Hanna started jumping.

"Yes but... we have to track her phone now, the line went dead after 7 seconds.

So let's hurry" I said and we ran into Hanna's bedroom. We went on the computer there and tracked her phone.

"Ah here!!! Jackson Street 50" I read from the screen.

"Let's go!" We rushed out of the hotel, once again.

Lisa's POV
I went downstairs to see what Lauren was up to, since she was really quiet. I opened the door and heard her locking herself in the bathroom.

I grabbed the keys from the top shelf, that she couldn't reach, and unlocked the door quietly.

"D-Dani?" I heard her ask. I opened the door and she screeched.

"DANI HELP!!! " I took the phone from her quickly and ended the call.

"What were you doing?!" I yelled.

"Nothing" She mumbled.

"Stop lying and tell the truth!" I screamed.

"THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" She screamed back.

"SHUT UP BITCH!" I screamed again... when I realized what I said I covered my mouth and my eyes were wide open. Lauren stared at me...

"This is what traitors have come to!" She yelled an ran out... of the room.

"Oh no young lady! Come back here!" I yelled at her chasing her. Luckily Christina stood at the top of the stairs and blocked Lauren's way.

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked.

"Uh... nothing" Lauren grinned and slipped through Christina's legs.

"What?!" Christina exclaimed and ran after her.We chased Lauren til' we were... somewhere... we lost her a few corners back. So we gave up. I dialed Amy's number.

"Yeah?" I heard Amy ask. "Pick us up? We're in... uh... C-Cologne main street... somewhere near a coffee shop." I informed Amy.

"Okay... be there in 5" she ended the call.

"Amy will pick us up" I told Christina. She rolled her eyes.

"Oh, shut up, it's better than getting Katherine to drive" I scoffed. She gasped.

"Excuse me, at least she can drive better than you!" Christina stated.

"Um...I'm 24! She is 26 and I can drive better than that loser!" I exclaimed. Christina's eyes went wide.

"Just shut up, I don't want to hear your voice anymore!" She put her hand in front of my face.

"Whatever drama queen" I mumbled and rolled my eyes

Lauren's POV
Okay so I basically ran away from where I was kept... and now I'm in... Cologne main street...

Wait.. we... I... Dani and I lived somewhere here!

Uh... 82, 84, 86, 88, 90!!! There it was!

I ran to the house with the number 90 and opened the door. It was open...yeesh. It smelled in here.

"EWWW!" I exclaimed in disgust. I traveled through the house and discovered the bad smell was the rotten food in the fridge.

"I should call Dani now!" I smiled. I grabbed in my shoe but... I freaking forgot that Lisa took it.

"The house phone" I said to myself. I rushed upstairs to my... umm... old room? I saw the phone laying on my bed.

"Out of battery, ugh!" I groaned.

"This is hopeless..." I said. I put the phone to it's charger and layed on my bed. Slowly....I drifted off to sleep

Dani's POV
Hanna's phone kept changing the location. She was now at some... coffee shop in the Cologne main street where we lived. When we arrived there, no one was there, except a few people walking by. I looked on the ground and saw a familiar phone with a S&S cover. I looked at it closely discovered it was Lauren's phone!

"Great..." I mumbled.

"Is that Laur's phone?" Hanna asked from behind me. I nodded slowly.

"But... where is she then?" She asked worriedly.

"I don't know Hanna... but let's just hope we find her" I tried reassuring Hanna as we slowly went back.

"Lauren... just remember... I'll never stop trying to find you..." I mumbled quietly.

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