Chapter 1 ✔️

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"Wait so you mean that's-that's Abigail Horan?" Louis asked, shocked.

"Yes did you not know that already?" The nurse asked, tilting her head.

"Uh, yeah... We did, thank you. Can we go see her after we wake Niall?" I asked.

"Of course." She smiled, then left us to wake him up.

"Niall, mate wake up." Harry said shaking him, his eyes slowly opening. As confusion took over his features, he then seemed to remember what had happened.

"Where's Abigail?" Niall asked looking around tiredly.

"We'll let you talk to her alone, her room is right there. We'll watch from here." He then opened the door, but when he walked in, she scooted to the corner of the bed as far away from him as she could. You could already see the fear in her eyes. A layer of gloss covering her bright blue eyes.

Niall's P.O.V

As I walked in Abigail's room, she tried to get away from me.

"Abigail, I'm not gonna hurt you." I said, slowly approaching the bed she sat on.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" Tears laid on her rosy cheeks.

"Abigail, I helped you. Your mums in jail. And you were hurt. Do you remember?" I said, letting her think. I guess she just forgot it when she passed out.

"Yes, thank you." She said nervously.

"No problem. But do you have and brother or sisters?" I asked, trying to see if she knew that I, was in fact, her older brother.

"I'm pretty sure I have brothers. But biological brothers, so I'm not too sure." Abigail replied. I sat on the edge of her bed looking into her eyes. Her beautiful bright blue eyes. They looked just like mums'.

"Abigail," I sighed. "I need to te-" I was cut of by the four other boys walking in.

"We weren't allowed to stand on the hall." Liam told me, sheepishly. Abbey backed away from them a little bit, she seemed, terrified.

"It's okay love they won't hurt you." I whispered to her. She nodded, but stayed sitting where she was.

"Hi, what's your name?" Zayn asked.

"I'm Abigail." She said, not meeting his eyes.

"I like that name." He smiled politely. "Anyways. That bunch over there are Liam, Louis, Harry and I'm Zayn."

"Excuse me?" A nurse entered the room, clip board in hand. Her American accent seemed vibrant. "Abigail, do you feel any better?" She asked.

"I'm a little dizzy." She explained quietly.

"Okay sweetie. In a little bit were gonna need to get you back into foster care. Your old foster mom isn't gonna be around you anymore, so there's no need to worry. We'll put right back into your old program." The nurse told her. Abbey nodded, looking back down. The nurse left shortly after, noticing that tears were falling from Abigail's eyes.

I scooted closer to her, and wrapped her into a loose hug. I didn't mind how tense she was, because she's been through a hell lot today. I would expect her to be a bit upset and uncomfortable.

"It's gonna be okay. Why don't you wanna go back?" I said rubbing her upper arm, trying to comfort her. She just sat there wrapping her arms around me, as sobs fell into my


"It's ju-just that. The man who wor-works there. Doesn't treat the girls in a way we'd like to be treated. I've been there before.. I don't like it. He touched you and-and, I just wanna go home. Find my real mum and dad. Have a family who will protect me and sisters to hang out with. But that will never happen. I'm a girl, a girl with no reason to live. I-I don't want it to be this way." She started as more tears dripped down her face.

"Guys can I talk to you in the hall?" I asked the boys.

"Yeah," Harry nodded, stepping out into the hall with the others.

"I'll be right back." I looked at Abbey and she just nodded, I whipped away a few tears from her face, following them out of the room.

"What's going on?" Louis asked.

"Okay. Abbeys my sister and I can't leave her. Not again. She's here alone and I can't do anything. Her foster mum is arrested and lost all rights to be with her. She needs family. When I first saw her I knew I needed her and she needs me. I want to adopt her." I confidently said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Niall, we can't. Tours coming up, were never home." Liam sighed.

"If you think she's going back to that foster house, you're out of your mind. This is my little sister were talking about here. My own flesh and blood. Don't you guys remember! After our first audition as a band, I told you's about her, I told you that I wouldn't of been here with out her. So there's no way in hell I'm leaving this hospital, without the girl who's been my motivation since I was six years old." I snapped, narrowing my eyes at them.

"Listen, I'll call Simon. If he agrees to letting us take her, then we will. But if he says no, were leaving here." Liam said, sternly. I rolled my eyes at him, knowing that no matter what Simon had to say, I was not leaving here without her.


About, fifteen minutes later, Liam came back into the waiting room. You could tell he had ran his fingers through his hair a few times, as it was disheveled. Phone in hand, he made his way over to us. I eagerly stood up, waiting for what he had to say.

"He said yes!" Liam laughed, watching as my face lit up. Happy was an understatement as for how I felt. I jumped up and down, tackling Liam into a hug.

"Calm down and go get her." Harry chuckled.

"Right." I laughed, running into her room, the boys not far behind.

"Abigail, we have some good new to tell you. Well, at least we hope it's good news." Louis laughed.

"Yeah?" She looked up, still twiddling with her thumbs.

"Well. We saw how upset you were about going back to the foster home." Liam calmly explained. She nodded.

"We're gonna adopt you." Zayn got straight

to the point, as her mouth hung open.


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