Chapter 3 ✔️

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He hugged me with such care, and love. I really missed his touch.

"Are you okay?" He whispered, rubbing my back reassuringly. I gave him a little nod, wrapping my arms around his neck and hiding my face in his chest. But then I remembered that Niall and his friends were here also, and I pulled away from Logan.

"This is Logan," I stated, gesturing towards him with my hands. Niall's eyes went between both of us, locked on our intertwined fingers.

"I can see," Niall scoffed.

"Don't be such a dick," Logan muttered.

"Excuse me, I didn't hear you." Niall replied sarcastically.

"It's nothing." Logan answered, sweetly.

"You should go," Louis said, stating the obvious.

"And what if I don't? You'll 'beat me up'?" Logan teased. As you could see, he's the protective type. At times it was a good thing, but not right now.

"That sounds like a fantastic idea," Niall spat.

"I'm ready when you are," Logan snapped, taking a step towards Niall.

"All of you, cut it out!" I shouted, pulling on Logan's arm. Once gaining their attention, I pulled Logan over to the door. "You should go, I'll try to call you when ever I get to where I'll be living." I told him.

"Bye," He sighed, placing a sincere kiss on my forehead. Turning back around, I closed the door.

"If your always gonna be like this around my friends, I am not living with you's." I said, chuckling at the end.

"Yeah, yeah." Harry smirked.

"We're leaving now, right?" I asked, slipping on my old sneakers that were laid by the door.

"Yeah, we have a car waiting outside for us." Liam responded, opening the door for all of us. We walked down the bright hallway, Niall pulling me closer into his side. I leaned into him, feeling a sense of comfort. Somehow I knew he was my brother from this. It was just the way his warmth made me feel. It gave off a comforting vibe that I longed for my whole life without him.

We exited the building, cold London air hitting my skin. The night sky was a dark purple, all the street lights were lit. Cars zoomed past, making a 'vroom' sound as they did. I entered the large van, warmth overcoming the cold as I did. I sat way in the back, along with Niall.

No words were spoken durning the car ride, just silence played among all of us. It seemed as if we all were in deep thought. I thought about how this was to work. I was going to be living with famous boys? And one was my brother?

I went from a poor abused girl, to a rich and pampered one in a few days. I still can't believe I had been asleep for 3 whole days. Rachel must have hit me hard in the head.


"Abigail!" Someone called, their voice echoing off the walls of the large mansion.

"Yeah?" I called back, trying to find my way towards them.

"Come here, I have to show you something!" They yelled, and I noticed it was Niall from the way 'to' sounded like 'tah'.

"This place is huge, I don't even know where I am!" I laughed, entering what looked like the livingroom. This is the third one I found! Unless I'm just going in circles...

"Up the stairs!" He laughed also. I looked around an I quickly spotted the stairs, rushing over to them. I ran up the wood, almost falling onto my butt.

"Now where?" I said, looking down the two hallways.

"Right here!" He smiled, popping his head out of the last door on my right. I smiled back, skipping over to him. "This is your room!" He shouted, opening the door wider for me to get a better look. My eyes must have fell out of their sockets.

The room was pretty large, with turquoise walls. There was a queen bed in the far corner of the room, one side pressed up against the wall. The bed was white wood, matching the desk and night stands. Over above my desk, there was a large Irish flag hanging from some nails. And from what I could see, I had my own bathroom and closet.

"Wow," I whispered, gaping at everything.

"And tomorrow, Harry and Liam are going out to get you your own iPhone and MacBook." Niall smiled.

"Thank you so much," I yelled, crashing him into a hug. This was amazing, I felt so happy. These boys really are saints.

"No problem. After all, you are my little sister." He winked, wrapping his arms around me also.


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