Chapter 18 - I Like The Soud Of That

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After my talk with Jamie I was really happy. I haven't talked to her in a while. Hearing her voice was like a life saver for me. She helps me with all my problems. She's the only person that cared about me during my old life.

I acatually like the sound of that ,old life. My horrible and useless old life compared to my amazing and fantastic new life.

'I'm at a pay phone tryin to Paul home

All my change I spent on Lou'

My phone blared. Before it could go any farther I answered it.

"Hiya!" I exclaimed into the phone happily.

"ABIGAIL!!" My best friend, whom you probably remember, Jack yelled into the phone.

"Yes?" I giggled.

"You weren't in school." I could almost hear the pout in his voice.

"Sorry bout that. Me an the boys had a hectic night." I sighed memories of everything coming back.

"Oh everything okay?" Concern filled his voice.

"Can I come over and talk. If it okay with you?" I shyly asked.

"Of course babe! A few friends are here to." He happily cried.

"Jeez calm down mate ill be over soon!" I yelled happily into the phone. We said good byes and hung up.

I jumped off my bed and made a mad dash to my walk-in closet. I looked threw the racks of clothes until I found the perfect outfit. I tight red blouse that hugged y curves perfectly, and a pair of black skinny jeans. I picked white high-top converse to go with it. I got dressed quickly and exited my room an jogging down the stairs. I made my way to the door and slid on an over sized baby blue hoodie which was Niall's.

"IM GOING TO JACKS HOUSE ILL BE HOME FOR DINNER!" I yelled not even bothering to zip up the hoodie. I heard a bunch of okays and then I left the house.

I walked down the busy streets of London enjoying the scenery. I passed so many cute shops that I made a mental note to go back some time. Quickly I already got to his side of town. The quiet and naturey neighborhood. Almost all my friends live over here. Besides Logan. He lived in the eye of London. He had an amazing house. 2 floors of pure awesomeness. It made me kinda sad to think about him.

And I defiantently regretted thinking about him. Because the tears I held in when I found out he cheated were about to break free. I haven't heard from Cole since. I really miss that boy. It's gonna be hard to explain to the guys what's had happened between me and Harry. I just hoped for the best. Still walking down the lonely streets of the quieted part of London I finally reached Jacks front door. I rang the door bell and was greeted by Jacks mum Linda.

"Oh my god Abigail it's been so long! And you look gorgeous!" She gushed squeezing me in a hug which I kindly returned. I didn't mind Linda she was so sweet, but some times to sweet for my liking. Over all she was a pretty cool mum. We pulled back.

"I could relate. Your looking nice Linda!" I happily told her. She seemed a lot skinner than last time and her hair was a healthier brown than before.

"I work out more often and stopped smoking." She proudly admitted.

"That's amazing. Do you happen to know where Jack is?" I asked with my sweetest smile.

"Yes dear, he up in his room with the others." I nodded as she moved to let me in. I was greeted by the familiar smell of cinnamon and cookies. Smiling again I quietly walked up the stairs. Finally I reached the top and made a left down the hallway that held so many memories. I was out side Jacks bedroom door about to open it when I heard them talking about me. I think?

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