Ch. 11

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Within five more months, Ben was no longer traveling all over the kingdom for meetings with other small kingdoms under his reign, like Agrabah, and spent all his time in the palace, usually with Mal. To be honest, Ben was more worried about her going into labor more than Mal was. He made her stay in the same room with him at all times with a maid always nearby. They didn't know the gender of the baby since they wanted it to be a surprise but Mal was sure they were having a boy while Ben thought it would be a girl. Mal had told him that she would know because she was the mom but Ben wouldn't believe her. They were in Ben's office, Mal sitting in a chair beside his desk reading.

"What do you think about having a festival sometime in the winter at Auradon Prep?" Ben asked. Mal opened her mouth but instantly shut it and squeezed her eyes shut. Ben noticed and started to get worried. "What's wrong?" he questioned. As soon as the pain stopped, Mal answered. She had been getting really bad contractions all day long although she was positive her water hadn't broken. Until now when everything was wet around her.

"Get the doctor." she breathed out. Ben sent the maid to get the doctor and carried Mal to their bedroom. The doctor was waiting and all ready to help deliver the royal baby. However, Ben had to exit the room until it was over. Even though it should only be about an hour, he wasn't happy about leaving. Mal assured him she'd be fine so he finally left.

"Now, I can give you a shot, it's not small I'll warn you, and it won't hurt as much but otherwise this next hour is going to be terrible." the doctor warned. Another contraction hit Mal and she nodded, trying not to scream because she knew it would worry Ben. The doctor got the large needle out and filled it with the numbing liquid before injecting it into the lower half of Mal's back. Almost instantly, Mal relaxed and wasn't in as much pain. Of course, she could still feel the contractions but just enough to where she knew when they were there. They didn't hurt though. "Now, lets get this royal baby into the world." the doctor smiled.

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